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Rearrange Your Toolbars

Versions:  2008,2010
Published:  7/25/2010
Code:  vstipEnv0027


You can easily rearrange your toolbars by simply putting your mouse over the grip control (the four vertical dots to the left of every toolbar):



You will get the four-directional mouse pointer. Now just CLICK AND DRAG the toolbar to the new position you would like to put it in:



Be careful, it's real easy to get a shortened toolbar on your hands when moving toolbars around:



This may be exactly what you want:



If not, however, just CLICK AND DRAG the grip control of the toolbar to the right of the shortened toolbar and uncover as many buttons as you want:




In VS2008 you can also make the toolbar a floating one by dragging it off the toolbar area:



To put it back just CLICK AND DRAG anywhere on the Title Bar of the toolbar and put it back up top.