MSDN Reader Love :)
Have you ever wanted to read development-focused content through the slick NY Times Reader experience? Me too! The MSDN Reader provides offline caching/reading of MSDN Magazine articles, content annotation, and content sharing through an intuitive user interface. The source for this application is provided in the releases section. Feel free to play with the code provided here or check out for more information on building Syndicated Client Experiences.
December 01, 2008
I really like the MSDN reader but as far as I can tell the content is rarely if ever updated. I've ran it for months and I don't think I ever saw any content that wasn't there the first time I ran it. Do you know if it's getting updated with live content now?Anonymous
December 01, 2008
Earlier, I installed this MSDN Reader but found some minor flaws when using it. I found that it never updated itself in spite of showing that the sync. was complete and I used to see the old stale pages whenever I open this reader. So now i am using the online version of the MSDN Magazine. Also if you can guide on how to create your own news syndication mechanism that would help us.