JavaScript Code Snippets
Keyboard: CTRL + K, CTRL + X
Menu: Edit -> IntelliSense -> Insert Snippet
Command: Edit.InsertSnippet
Versions: 2010
Published: 2/17/2010
Code: vstipEdit19
Want to get those JavaScript functions created more quickly? We now have support for JavaScript snippets!
When you are inside any script block go to Edit -> IntelliSense -> Insert Snippet. on your menu bar (CTRL + K, CTRL + X). You should get this:
Just choose your category and what specific snippet you want from there and you are good to go.
February 17, 2010
If you want a bunch of jQuery snippets for VS2010 check out http://jquerysnippets.codeplex.comAnonymous
February 17, 2010
I need C++ Code Snippets... Does MS plan it ?