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Rating & Review notifications on the Marketplace

Since the launch of Ratings and Reviews on the Marketplace we’ve seen tremendous response from both users and publishers. There has been great engagement between publishers and users sharing feedback, dealing with bugs and suggesting improvements.

Given the importance of reviews for both publishers and users we’ve now enabled email notifications for reviews.

As a publisher:

Publishers will now receive an email notification when a user leaves a review of the extension containing the rating as well as the review text. We also provide a link back to your extension if you wish to respond to the review.


As a user:

You will now receive an email notification when a publisher responds to your review along with the text of the response. Again, we provide a link back to the extension, should you wish to edit your review/rating based on the response.


The email has an unsubscribe option should you wish to opt out of notifications for reviews or responses. As always you can write to us at vsmarketplace@microsoft.com or tweet at us with the hashtag #VSMarketplace with any feedback.

Harysh Menon (@haryshm)
Program Manager
Visual Studio Marketplace

Now Rate and Review extensions on the Marketplace
Publisher responses to reviews is now live on Marketplace!