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The RC of ILM "2" is out


Did you think we uncovered all our cards at PDC? Nope: that was mainly (but not only) our developer story, given the atmosphere of the conference, but in our sleeve there's ample space for ITPros too. It's hot news from this morning that we made available the release candidate of ILM "2": you can read all about it in this post from Lori. For the ones among you that are not familiar with the topic: ILM is one of the things that make possible IN PRACTICE to develop solutions based on the happy architectural principles I blabber about here. How do you keep track of certificates distribution, expiration, revocation? How do you handle your security groups in your directory(ies)? How do you streamline provisioning when a user gets created/promoted/moved? How do you make big identity system actually scale to meet enterprise grade demand? ILM is among the arrows in the ITPro's quiver that makes that happen. It's a very innovative product (were you at the last Burton Catalyst here in US?), give it a spin and let us know what you think.
