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II Rotor Workshop, Day 3

Limping like Marvel::Donald_Blake I made my way to Pisa, to see the last day of the II Rotor workshop.

And my efforts were well paid, since the morning was extremely interesting. After a general discussion about Rotor as community, I've seen two EXTREMELY interesting presentations about modifying Rotor in its very code: the first one was about embedding support for interpreted intermediate language, the second about a TRULY CLI support of design by contract. Impressive.

I've lost the chance to see the last 2 presentations: in Italy today is holiday, so I had to adhere to a restricted train timetable :-( but I hope I'll have a chance to see the material online (if and when I'll discover the URL I'll mail it here).

To summarize: 3 great days, in which I took a vacation from the usual world of consultancy and I went back to my research times. I had the chance to talk with some collague from Redmond, and I discovered in them (no wonder) kindness, great vision, intelligence, passion, availability, openness (does such a word exists in English?). Too bad I live so close to Pisa that I couldn't spend the evenings there, but I had to go back home: it seems that during the dinners some VERY interesting discussion came out. Well, I suppose that I'll have my chance to attend at the satellite events in the next event abroad.. ;-)