Microsoft UK Government Blog
News and information about Microsoft related IT for people who work in UK government from the Microsoft UK Government team.
Which Anti for what and who?
Microsoft has various anti-virus and anti-spyware products available these days - including...
Author: ukgovernment Date: 08/30/2007
What Was I Looking For (WWILF)?
WWILFing is a technology phenomenon most of us are familiar with when sitting in front of our...
Author: ukgovernment Date: 08/29/2007
Is Security an Inhibitor or an Enabler to Transformational Government?
In a report recently produced by Nick Coleman, the former head of IBM Security Services for EMEA,...
Author: ukgovernment Date: 08/24/2007
Child Online Safety - how Warwickshire upgraded their services
Internet security is high on Local Authority agendas, especially highlighted since the government...
Author: ukgovernment Date: 08/23/2007
Online (Free) File Storage - Windows Live Skydrive
500MB of free online storage that can be private, shared or public. This has been coming for a...
Author: ukgovernment Date: 08/23/2007
Live Meetings (webcasts) on First Tuesday of Every Month
Each month we are planning to run Public Sector live meetings (webcasts) that are aimed at people...
Author: ukgovernment Date: 08/22/2007
To pop or not to pop; that is the question!
Popfly is a new web-based only product created by Microsoft (currently in its prelaunch test phase)...
Author: ukgovernment Date: 08/22/2007
Sign up for the Microsoft Public Safety Technology Forum – Wednesday 10th October 2007
This forum is aimed at both business and technical people involved in Public Safety from the police...
Author: ukgovernment Date: 08/21/2007
Back from Holiday - Tip on managing large numbers of emails
Hello again - back from holiday - no midge bites I'm glad to say and not too soggy either! Scotland...
Author: ukgovernment Date: 08/20/2007
Holiday Break - Back on 20th August
Well I'm off on holiday tomorrow and we've decided that this Blog will take a 2 week rest while I'm...
Author: ukgovernment Date: 08/03/2007
Staffordshire County Council leads the way by reducing PC power consumption
I recently read through an interesting post on about how Staffordshire County Council...
Author: ukgovernment Date: 07/30/2007
Vista Gadgets for Travel Information
For those of you that have started using Windows Vista you might be interested to download one or...
Author: ukgovernment Date: 07/30/2007
Why is Silverlight good for government organisations?
According to Microsoft’s website, Silverlight is; “A cross-browser, cross-platform plug-in for...
Author: ukgovernment Date: 07/27/2007
Live Meeting (Online Web Conference) on Microsoft Project Management Solutions on 2nd August
We're running a Live Meeting (click here if you want to know more about Live Meeting) next Thursday...
Author: ukgovernment Date: 07/25/2007
T-Gov and Abramovich
I know we have recommended GBTV programmes before but I have no hesitation in recommending that you...
Author: ukgovernment Date: 07/25/2007
What do cows and income tax have in common on the Isle of Man?
Here's another great video from LocalGovTV - this time about the Isle of Man Government and their...
Author: ukgovernment Date: 07/20/2007
Thanks William and Alex
Thanks to William Heath at Ideal Government and Alex Stobart for letting me know that they weren't...
Author: ukgovernment Date: 07/14/2007
What are they talking about?
This posting is not really Microsoft related but I thought it might be useful to you so I'm posting...
Author: ukgovernment Date: 07/09/2007
Are you optimised?
We recently held a roundtable event for a group of government executive agencies with our partner...
Author: ukgovernment Date: 07/09/2007
Flexible & Mobile Working Benefits Guide
There's a big interest within Government around the potential to have many more of their employees...
Author: ukgovernment Date: 07/05/2007
Help with introductory IT skills
If you or any of your staff - or even friends and family - need help getting started with computers...
Author: ukgovernment Date: 07/04/2007
Office 2007 - Free online training courses
Get up to speed with Microsoft Word and the Office 2007 System When you first open Word 2007, it...
Author: ukgovernment Date: 06/29/2007
IT is good news for Spelthorne
I'm a regular watcher of the LocalGovTV web channel and I thought their latest video about...
Author: ukgovernment Date: 06/29/2007
Shift Happens
My colleague Ray Fleming has posted about the Shift Happens powerpoint presentation which has been...
Author: ukgovernment Date: 06/29/2007
The Microsoft Shared Learning Group for Local Government
About two years Microsoft helped to set up the Shared Learning Group (SLG) with 10 UK councils who...
Author: ukgovernment Date: 06/29/2007
An Introduction
This blog will try to provide news and commentary on topics that we at Microsoft think might be of...
Author: ukgovernment Date: 06/28/2007