PasteOff Upload Script
This is a sample script that's quite similar to the Upload.CMD I use with PasteOff (fixed the download links, by the way), to upload images to my blog site.
Customize the variables at the top, and upload away...
As a note, it is really important not to have trailing spaces after the SET lines or after the Echo %VAR% lines - they'll break it, and you'll be wondering why...
---- Upload.CMD
@echo off
Echo Creating FTP Script
SET FTPPAS=password
SET FTPDIR=/BlogImages
echo %FTPUSR%> uploadfile.txt
echo %FTPPAS%>> uploadfile.txt
REM echo %FTPPAS%>> uploadfile.txt
echo CD %FTPDIR%>> uploadfile.txt
echo PUT %1>> uploadfile.txt
echo QUIT>> uploadfile.txt
Echo Performing FTP Upload
ftp -s:uploadfile.txt %FTPHOST% >> ftplog.txt
Echo Deleting Upload File
REM better to delete it than leaving more passwords lying around
Echo Deleting File >> ftplog.txt
Del uploadfile.txt >> ftplog.txt
- Anonymous
January 17, 2005
Thank you for
this great script!