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Blog du Tristank

Migrating to . And still so terrific that 3 of 4 readers rated it "soporific"

Delegation, Delegation, Delegation, Delegation

If I had a buck for every time someone came to me with a problem accessing their SQL Server from a...

Author: Tristan K Date: 11/28/2005

ISA 2004 EE: UnicastInterHostCommSupport is enabled by ISA

Quickie: When used to configure NLB for an array, ISA Server 2004 Enterprise Edition enables the NLB...

Author: Tristan K Date: 11/14/2005

Thanks, but no thanks.

My trial decoder run of Intervideo's WinDVD decoder expired at home mid-week, so I tried out...

Author: Tristan K Date: 11/10/2005

The Windows Defender Blog

Finally, someone in marketing decided that a product name could be both functional and cool! Windows...

Author: Tristan K Date: 11/07/2005

PasteOff Scripting

Another real quickie: Anders from Sweden has just started a blog, and posted an interesting...

Author: Tristan K Date: 11/07/2005

FolderShare Rocks!

That's all*. I hadn't even heard of FolderShare before the announcement that we'd acquired them, but...

Author: Tristan K Date: 11/06/2005

OWA 2003: The Top Eleven Hidden Features

Caught over at the Exchange Team blog, an article full of useful tips. My new best friend is going...

Author: Tristan K Date: 11/01/2005

Today, I met Daniel Pearson...

...but I couldn't quite place the name. Had he introduced himself as "dan at" I'd...

Author: Tristan K Date: 10/28/2005

RFC Deskbar Shortcut

Funny how you just assume you added a deskbar shortcut, but you didn't. For pasting into the MSN...

Author: Tristan K Date: 10/26/2005

Another Top Tip for Tech Interview Hopefuls

I'll add one to Shifty's list of Tips for Jobseekers: Accept All Changes before you hit Send. (Or...

Author: Tristan K Date: 10/26/2005

My Tablet PC: A Precision 650

I'm typing this entry on the same PC I use for my day-to-day work. It's a Dell Precision 650...

Author: Tristan K Date: 10/24/2005

Nvidia: You're Really Annoying Me

The Nvidia DVD Decoder (now called Purevideo) store is back, and better than ever*. It only took...

Author: Tristan K Date: 10/18/2005

What's He Up To?

It's once again quite busy here. The Support biz locally tends to be cyclic - in the same sort of...

Author: Tristan K Date: 10/13/2005

Engadget XBOX 360 Hands-On

Peter Rojas' article here: My favourite part was the...

Author: Tristan K Date: 10/12/2005

Two Tips for better ISA Performance

via Amy's: Short...

Author: Tristan K Date: 10/10/2005

Serenity Good

Yes, Serenity good. Not perfect, but good. There was something for everyone, from the Firefly crowd...

Author: Tristan K Date: 10/02/2005

Scripty Bits with Mark Yocom

Mark Yocom's blog has bubbled up from the background buzz of the bloggers on MSDN: He's blogging...

Author: Tristan K Date: 10/01/2005

Controlling Acceptable Internet Access With ISA Server

A reasonably frequently-asked question is:   Can ISA Server 2004 control access to unsavoury sites...

Author: Tristan K Date: 09/29/2005

Office 2003 SP2 Just Installed Itself!

Along with Visio 2003 SP2, OneNote 2003 SP2 and an Outlook Junk Email filter update. I remember...

Author: Tristan K Date: 09/27/2005 Operations on x64

The Microsoft.Com Operations blog just posted about their experiences moving from x86 to x64, most...

Author: Tristan K Date: 09/26/2005

Mental Note: Serenity Party Friday

I bought the Firefly DVD set a week ago, and my girlfriend and I chewed through them in three nights...

Author: Tristan K Date: 09/25/2005

x64-friendly Smartcard Reader

I've had a Gemplus 430 USB card reader since we started using Smart Cards for RAS, all those years...

Author: Tristan K Date: 09/22/2005

Subtleties of Denying Traffic

In ISA Server 2004, if you're using custom ports as part of a publishing rule for a protocol, an...

Author: Tristan K Date: 09/22/2005

A Plea To WPF/Avalon Developers

Don't make me hate you. Now that Windows Presentation Foundation (the vector monkey formerly known...

Author: Tristan K Date: 09/19/2005

Live Logging FTW! An Example

(for the over-15s reading this blog, FTW means "for the win", and means something/someone is really...

Author: Tristan K Date: 09/18/2005

Support Terms #891: Frisbee Moment

The Frisbee Moment This phrase is coined from the episode of the Simpsons where Bart is going to...

Author: Tristan K Date: 09/16/2005

Another IT Pro OPML Update

I'm sure I've missed someone, but either way, the grand total of Aussie IT Pro bloggers (that's...

Author: Tristan K Date: 09/14/2005

More on The Client Menace and Authentication

A comment from my diatribe about keyloggers from DoofusDan inspired more words (and unfortunately...

Author: Tristan K Date: 09/12/2005

Dystopia Tomorrow...

(Australian time) Or today, US time. We are aiming to release the demo before 11:59pm GMT on 9th of...

Author: Tristan K Date: 09/09/2005

IE6 Phishing Philter Phrom MSN

The MSN Search blog just announced that they've made available a Phishing Filter for IE6 (for XPSP2,...

Author: Tristan K Date: 09/08/2005

What I Worry About When Web Publishing

In a word: Keyloggers. The Client Menace. A particularly sharp chap at Tech.Ed asked me what I...

Author: Tristan K Date: 09/07/2005

My Tech.Ed AU 2005 In Blurry Slightly Truncated Pictures

Just running through my newly-broken phone (dropped from booth height to the hard, unforgiving floor...

Author: Tristan K Date: 09/05/2005

Mr. McLaren's Blogging!

Andrew McLaren's decided to share some of his vast - and sometimes even useful - selection of...

Author: Tristan K Date: 09/05/2005

Dystopia Nears Release

One of the other GTSC guys popped up on the Friday over lunch at Tech.Ed, and told me I had to check...

Author: Tristan K Date: 09/04/2005

Tech.Ed 2005: Without A Belt

I was packing on Monday afternoon. I'd taken Monday off sick - my first sick day since starting with...

Author: Tristan K Date: 09/04/2005

Tech.Ed AU 2005: Done and Dusted

Just got home and I thought I'd capture a quick reaction before it wore off: OH YEAH! Was that an...

Author: Tristan K Date: 09/02/2005

Off to Tech.Ed Tomorrow...

And as seems traditional for me at this time of year, I've developed a cough/cold combination....

Author: Tristan K Date: 08/29/2005

Personal Development Plan: Must Include Media Training

Guess I know what to put in my PDP for this year: Reduced Head Bob When Talking To A Camera! (I...

Author: Tristan K Date: 08/26/2005

Support Terms #194: Numbing

The Numbing From Dilbert, we derive The Numbing - the null state following that terrible moment in...

Author: Tristan K Date: 08/25/2005

Ctrl+C In A Message Box Does What!?

OK, so now searching for this reveals it as a widely-known and somewhat ancient tip, but I didn't...

Author: Tristan K Date: 08/23/2005

The New, Official, SBS Support Blog

Straight from the guys at the coalface, we've got the SBS Support Blog. Subscribe now, ask questions...

Author: Tristan K Date: 08/22/2005

New IE Column in MSDN: Exploring Internet Explorer

via IEBlog, it's the first Exploring IE column: The Local Intranet Zone and Proxies: The Surprising...

Author: Tristan K Date: 08/20/2005

Just a quickie: Props Out To Jeff

I read a bunch of one-man blogs regularly, but one of my favourites is the CodingHorror blog. Props...

Author: Tristan K Date: 08/17/2005

Tech.Ed AU: Screen Scrapin' RSS feed for Mediacasts Site

No RSS feed, yet, eh? Now ya do! I knocked up a quick script to take care of this niggling problem,...

Author: Tristan K Date: 08/16/2005

Tech.Ed AU: The Finalizer, Visitors and Sessions

First up: Not GC-related, but to all the Oz Tech.Ed attendees that would like to see a Support...

Author: Tristan K Date: 08/15/2005

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