Blog du Tristank
Migrating to . And still so terrific that 3 of 4 readers rated it "soporific"
But I didn't. Sleep, that is.
(following on from the last post)... I was too wired. Instead, I hit the ISA newsgroups again, and...
Author: Tristan K Date: 10/30/2004
ISA 2004 Access Rules: A Self-Contained Universe of Possibility
NB I'm on cold & flu medication, so please forgive me if I'm a tad scattered, or even weirder...
Author: Tristan K Date: 10/27/2004
I'm Barnacular.
That word is mine now. Ben The Virtual PC Guy has another post on OS nostalgia. It's starting to...
Author: Tristan K Date: 10/20/2004
Ben Armstrong - Virtual PC Guy - blogs about games in Virtual PC (a Ninja Feature!)
(Wild divergence warning - skip to Back To The Topic At Hand if you don't want to read about my...
Author: Tristan K Date: 10/16/2004
Tablet PC: Got Collateral?
I just went out and saw Collateral. I really enjoyed the movie, and found myself wondering if Scoble...
Author: Tristan K Date: 10/16/2004
Ninja Feature: Remote Web Workplace in SBS2003
Remote Web Workplace is (in my humble opinion) The Ninja Feature of SBS2003. In fact, it gets the...
Author: Tristan K Date: 10/14/2004
Paint.NET Is Good (and 1.1 is out now)
I fairly frequently need to use an image editing application for random minor acts of vandalism (see...
Author: Tristan K Date: 10/12/2004
ISA 2004: FTP Uploads are off by default. Mostly.
Something I ran across before work: With ISA 2004, the FTP filter is a slightly different beast from...
Author: Tristan K Date: 10/12/2004
Dug from the XBox AU Newsletter: Live Alerts
(It's clickable) I don't know when it happened, but I'm glad it did! Xbox Live Alerts are now...
Author: Tristan K Date: 10/09/2004
ISA 2004 RADIUS Authentication Article on
Just spotted that have a new article on RADIUS authentication for Web Publishing rules...
Author: Tristan K Date: 10/08/2004
Ars Technica's New Look
Go check it out - ! I stumbled on the new look while surfing from their RSS...
Author: Tristan K Date: 10/06/2004
ISA 2004: Hosting a game of Locomotion
The usual disclaimers about third-party software apply here; we make no warranty, expressed or...
Author: Tristan K Date: 10/06/2004
ISA: How To Publish Apple Remote Desktop
Question: I'm trying to get Apple Remote Desktop to function through ISA Server. The standard...
Author: Tristan K Date: 10/05/2004
Xbox DVI Adapters - On Second Thought...
In my earlier post on Xbox 2 rumours, I mentioned that I'd like a DVI adapter for the Xbox 2. (I...
Author: Tristan K Date: 10/03/2004
Xbox 2 Rumours
Right up front: I'm not on the Xbox team. I have no direct connection with the Xbox team. If you...
Author: Tristan K Date: 10/01/2004
Why I Couldn't Access The AppointmentItem Body Property...
... without getting one of those "An application is doing something evil with your email, would you...
Author: Tristan K Date: 09/28/2004
Updated Outlook Calendar Adapter for Blogwave Beta 1
To celebrate the release of BlogWave Beta 1*, I updated the Outlook Calendar Adapter for the new...
Author: Tristan K Date: 09/27/2004
Techie Audio?
What I find makes exercise (you know, walking and stuff) more tolerable is having someone whisper...
Author: Tristan K Date: 09/23/2004
Rebuilding the Mighty Mighty Desktop
After one alpha too many, I'd left my primary desktop in what I can only describe as an...
Author: Tristan K Date: 09/22/2004
Outlook Calendar Adapter 1.1 for Blogwave
Working from the to do list at the original post, and desperately trying to avoid working on my...
Author: Tristan K Date: 09/13/2004
Actual Desktops, not Virtual Ones
I spent a small chunk of today setting up my new secondary work machine - my plan is to run Virtual...
Author: Tristan K Date: 09/13/2004
Debugging a BlogWave adapter...
I've been fiddling around with a freakishly terrible Outlook calendar adapter for Blogwave. It's...
Author: Tristan K Date: 09/06/2004
Sweet: The Locomotion Demo is out! NB Getting the music for the demo costs 100 MB,...
Author: Tristan K Date: 09/05/2004
ISA 2004: Scripting Rocks! (Import Protocol demo)
Like ISA 2000 before it, ISA 2004 is scriptable. Just about anything I can imagine doing through the...
Author: Tristan K Date: 09/02/2004
TSWeb: Sample TSWeb Pages to Connect To Non-standard RDP Ports
If you think you're experiencing deja vu, it's because this was also covered in Publishing RDP...
Author: Tristan K Date: 09/02/2004
My New Toy: An Apple 20" Wide Screen
The Desire I finally succumbed to my desire, and decided to get one on Saturday, subject to the...
Author: Tristan K Date: 08/29/2004
PC Games Widescreen Report Card
The Wide Screen Report Card I'm working through my vaguely-current catalogue of games to work out...
Author: Tristan K Date: 08/28/2004
Updated Comment Policy
After some well-meaning survey spam, I've needed to re-examine my blog comment policy. So, severely...
Author: Tristan K Date: 08/18/2004
Blog Comment Policy
I'm in favour of open comments on my blog. Usually, I receive "real" comments outweighing the spam...
Author: Tristan K Date: 08/18/2004
Publishing RDP (Terminal Servers, XP Remote Desktop) with TSWeb (and ISA 2004)
My last post on TSWeb (aka TSAC or Remote Desktop Web Connection) continues to be one of my most-hit...
Author: Tristan K Date: 08/15/2004
ISA 2004: New-Style Log Filtering and Export
I covered how I usually end up filtering ISA 2000 logs in a previous post. With ISA 2004, the game's...
Author: Tristan K Date: 08/13/2004
ISA 2004: User Mappings and Failed VPN Connections
I was working with a customer troubleshooting a VPN connection problem last night. The short version...
Author: Tristan K Date: 08/13/2004
Comments: Sorry, the evaluation period for this blog has expired!
The new site comment policy that's meant to fight comment spam is a global setting to disable...
Author: Tristan K Date: 08/12/2004
XPSP2: How To Detect IE6 for SP2
A quick note that's becoming something of an internal FAQ - the information below is from MSDN....
Author: Tristan K Date: 08/12/2004
ISA 2004: Why RADIUS Authentication is Cool
One of the coolest new features available with ISA 2004 is RADIUS authentication for Web Publishing...
Author: Tristan K Date: 08/11/2004
TechEd 2004: Tristank's Quick Summary
So, Aussie Tech Ed 2004 in sunny (but wintry) Canberra is over. I can't wait for next year! I'd...
Author: Tristan K Date: 08/08/2004
Teched Final Day
OK, so I've been a tad remiss in blogging about the Tech Ed experience, but I've been so busy...
Author: Tristan K Date: 08/06/2004
Running Least-Privilege: Quick'n'Dirty RunAs Batch File
This is just a quick CMD file that automates some frequently-used manual steps that I perform when...
Author: Tristan K Date: 08/02/2004
Security Update MS04-025 for IE has been released
The details are in the bulletin MS04-025. If you're an IT Pro and not already signed up for the...
Author: Tristan K Date: 07/31/2004
Proposal: Namespace Operator Pronunciation - :: = "blup blup"
So - does the Namespace operator (and IPV6 address separator) have a specific phonetic...
Author: Tristan K Date: 07/27/2004