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【IT Pro道場】 本日は運用基盤構築編 の第一回 東京開催です


初めての道場はいつも緊張するものですが、今回は今のところは順調?!なのかな。(^-^) System Center製品満載、Forefront製品も込みで構築しているのでまあ色々と起こることが予想されますが、実際にはどうなるでしょうか。私も大阪で土曜日の実施を控えているのでゆっくりはしてられないのですが。(*^_^*)

= English =

[IT Pro Dojo] Today is the first Tokyo dojo for Management Infrastructure Building

I'm sitting in the back today watching my colleagues. It's been a while since I was speaking in the previous Dojo series. Thank you very much to the many people who are attending today. 

You really get nervous as a speaker doing the first Dojo in each series. It seems this one is doing well so far, I believe?! :-) Packed with System Center products, also including Forefront products so there might be some issues in the seminar but let's see what happens. I still have a weekend Dojoleft on Saturday in Osaka so can't be so relaxed though.