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【IIS7】 WebDAVモジュールもGO LIVE


頭がいっぱいだった年末を脱し、体(めたぼー)を考えて一つだけお餅を食べました。実は実家が多摩地区なんですが、久し振りに戻っています。やっと少し落ち着いたところで IIS.NET を訪問したところ、色々と年末に動きがありました。

まずはタイトル通りのネタ。Vista や Windows Server 2008 の WebDAV 機能についてはIIS7 の話をする際に必ずご質問をいただいていました。 GO LIVE した模様です。ただ、Vista についてはSP1の提供タイミングからみたいですね。今回のは Windows Server 2008 が対象です。



早速 IIS7 もいろいろと情報チェックをしないと、2008年も。。。( ^^) _旦~~

= English =

[IIS7] WebDAV module also GOes LIVE!

Everybody, Happy New Year!
I wish everyone's year 2008 is a very good one. It seems that my "Yakudoshi" starts this year... wow...

My head was so full having to think many issues in late December. I left that stage and now and keeping my body shape in mind, I ate only one rice cake - Japanese people eat rice cakes alot on New Years Day and for several days after that. I haven't been home to my parents for several years and this year I'm home in Tama area in Tokyo. Well things to be done was finished and I took a peek at IIS.NET where I found some movement in December.

First, just what the title of this log says. When I spoke about IIS7, I always got questions about WebDAV for Vista and Windows Server 2008. It seems that it's GO LIVE now. From what I read from the article, for Vista you need to wait until SP1 comes out. This one is for Windows Server 2008.

You can enable it in the site level, and you can specify security settings per URL.

Also there is a person who listed registry keys that I think will affect tuning... Wow this is cool!

So, it looks like there's alot to check out about IIS7 in 2008!