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【IIS7】 OSCONでの発表の一部より


PHP on IIS + SQL:  Microsoft is contributing a patch to ADOdb, a popular data access layer for PHP used by many applications.  The patch enables support for SQL Server through the new “native driver for PHP” built by the SQL Server team.  ADOdb is licensed under the LGPL and BSD.  This is our first code contribution to PHP community projects but will not be the last. 

PHP用のデータアクセス層でよく使われている、ADOdbによるSQL Serverアクセスへのコード貢献ですね。

We have tested over 100 community PHP applications and found them to run on IIS with no changes required.  Hank Janssen and Garrett Serack of the Open Source Software Lab at Microsoft have been championing this work from the beginning, and I thank them for it.

マイクロソフト本社にある オープンソース ソフトウェア ラボ において100以上のPHPアプリケーションをIISで動作させ、コード変更なしで動作するのを確認しているとのこと。

= 中略 =

Apache Software Foundation: Microsoft is becoming a sponsor of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF).  This sponsorship will enable the ASF to pay administrators and other support staff so that ASF developers can focus on writing great software.

= 中略 =

It is not a move away from IIS as Microsoft’s strategic web server technology.  We have invested significantly in refactoring and adding new, state-of-the-art features to IIS, including support for PHP.  We will continue to invest in IIS for the long term and are currently under way with development of IIS 8.

It is a strong endorsement of The Apache Way, and opens a new chapter in our relationship with the ASF.  We have worked with Apache POI, Apache Axis2, Jakarta, and other projects in the last year, and we will continue our technical support and interoperability testing work for this open source software.

そしてついに IIS8の表現が登場しはじめましたな。。。ASFのスポンサーになったというのは現場の現状をよく理解した動きだと思いますし、あくまでもスポンサーである点を強調した内容になってますね。(*^_^*)