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【IIS7】 IIS7英語本 4冊目が家に...

”Internet Information Services(IIS) 7.0 Administrator's Pocket Consultant” が家にやってきました。
Microsoft Press では初の本ということになりますね。ちなみにリソースキットの方はIISのエバンジェリストだったBrett Hill 氏が執筆中との情報が入っています。


- どの本でも書かれている基本項目
- SSLや証明書系の話(他で意外と載ってない)
- バックアップとリカバリーの話
- 地が足についたパフォーマンス監視とチューニング(カウンタとかの話)
- ロギング周りの話(これも他ではきれいに整理してない)
- applicationHost.config内 項目のリファレンス(きれいに入ってます。モジュール単位の設定もあります。)


= English =

[IIS7] The fourth English IIS7 book came to my house...

”Internet Information Services(IIS) 7.0 Administrator's Pocket Consultant”  was delivered to my house.
486 pages, 3cm - a little thicker than an inch I believe :-)
This I think is the first Microsoft Press book that mainly writes about IIS7. I heard already that the resource kit is gonna be done by Mr. Brett Hill, who used to be IIS MVP and than evangelist in Redmond.

Well this is a pocket consultant for administrators so naturally ... if I write what's in it very short...

- fundamentals of IIS7 which every book has
- SSL and certificate stuff (Other books don't have this so much)
- backup and recovery
- very realistic performance monitoring and tuning (counters and such)
- streamlining the loggiong features - very important for adminstration
- reference of applicationHost.config settings (very nice, there's even reference for module specific ones)

So, it's quite small, but pretty heavy and packed with good information. Obviously, I think this is good for people who takes care of IIS servers everyday and it is useful still but less to ASP.NET programmers. I think this book will be localized and if I get something that I can write, I'll write again about the Japanese book.