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【★ミ】 管理職の気持ち とか書いてみる...

今年はこんなことも偉そうに書いてみようかなと思いまして (@_@;)  まさに独り言の領域です。。。

Back To The IT とかでも結構この辺が、つまり 「IT」よりも「人間」なところが皆さんの日常の悩みだったりするようです。世代の違いとか理由づけは他のサイトやブログに任せて、私の体験と私見を書いてみようと思います。私は前部署の時にある時期 マネージャー(課長?)を経験しました。まあ懇親会とかではその時の体験(マイクロソフトという会社の社員のマネージャーになること)を是非 お話してみたいですが、本当に色々と考えさせられました。

実は現在の上司がその時の上司でもあって、その時にある本をくれました。かの有名な本(と後で知ったのですが)です。その後 色々な派生本が出ているようですが。。。


実は私は 他であまり聞いたことのない「管理職の気持ちがわからない」と思っている若い人にこそこの本を読んで欲しいという動きを当時しました。マイクロソフトの従業員は確かに関門をくぐる際に技術面ではどこかすごい(幅の広さは個人差があります、もちろん)人が確かに通ってきていると思うのですが、でも人間です。年が若ければ(若輩ものの発言としては失言ですが)当然 未熟なところがいっぱいあるわけです、考え方とか、仕事のクオリティの境目とか。なので他でもできると思っていますが、当然 全く通じない自分本位な「人」がいるのも理解して書いています。

この本の私の解釈は 仕事における人との接し方は「相手は十人十色」と「一期一会を地で行く」を混ぜたようなものだと言っている気がします。で、それは実戦(あえて実践ではなく)上 合っていると感じています。そしてそのメソドロジーで自分が考えていることを伝えることだというのもそうなんじゃないかと今 思います。マネージャー系のトレーニングを受講したことの経験がある方はほとんどの人が人のスキルをセグメンテーション(分類とかどの位置にいるかを整理してみてみるという意味で)する色々な手法を学んでいることでしょう。でも自分なりに、しかも実践できる程度にシンプルに 整理できた人、相手のステージに合わせてカードを使い分けるカード枚数の多い人がいいマネージャーをやっていると思うのです。

私が当時接していた「人」の何人かは上司としてではなく、「人」として「人」が接触してくれる気持ちよさがあった人もいると思いますが、それは実は「相手のことをどう見ているかを私が伝えて、相手も周囲をそういう目で見れる」ように並走していたにすぎません。そして、「管理職じゃない人」が「管理職」が考えていることをわかるようにするのが実は早道とその時は思っていたんでしょうね。どうでしょう、このメソッド。甘い!と言われそうですが、ニュアンスは効果あると思ってるんですが。今度 お酒でも飲みながら今 まさに苦労なさっている方とこういう話もしてみたいですね。(^-^)

一月早々 偉そうなことを書いてしまいました (汗)

= English =

[Something Spiritual?] Let's try "What management feels and thinks"

This year I wanna try writing something haughty like this one :-) Well I think it's something spiritual ...

The community we're hosting called Back To The IT, we had the first meeting in December. What I heard from this meeting is that everyone is having a hard time not with "IT" but rather "people" in every day life, interesting. I'll leave the generation gap or whatever reason people want to make to other sites/blogs and l want to focus on my own experience and my personal opinion. In my last division where I was in, I had a period where I experienced being a manager. I would really like to tell you about my precious experience being a manager in a company called "Microsoft", there were so much I learned in those years.

My current boss was my boss at that time too and he gave me a book.  It's a very famous one - which to be honest I learned later. After this one there seems to be several additional ones published.

What I thought when I read this book was "Why this one?" My opinion now it that there are so many leadership or coaching books in the market but the way to work along with your team and leading your team, the core concept is almost the same in every book. So this book is thin enough so that any busy, not book-reading person can read all the pages. I noticed at one point that it is how you take the concepts and use it in your own ways that counts and is practical.

To tell the truth, I tried something I never heard from others at the time. I tried to explain the concept and if possible read this book and understand what managers think or make them think the management way. To be honest, people working for Microsoft has passed a gate once and usually has something specially good at in technology areas - there are differences how deep and how wide one's specialty is - but they are still human beings. I shouldn't be saying this yet but in younger stages of life, naturally there will be immature behavior like how you think about work, or the decision about quality of work that is needed. So I don't really think this is something MS only but still I'm writing this while understanding that there are exceptionally selfish people who care only about themselves that my idea won't work.

My understanding of the book is that human relationship at workplaces is a mixture of understanding "So many men, so many minds" and try to "Treasure every meeting, for it will never recur." And from my actual experience in the every day battlefield, it seems right to me. Also the important part is to tell about the methodology you're taking. Almost everyone who have attended manager trainings will know many types of ways to segment skills and stages of your team members. But probably the managers that made the concept simple enough to really use it in real life and have so many cards in hand to pick from to various stages the members are in, actually succeeds to be and called great managers.

Some of the people who were in my team at the time may have felt very good - a person who tries to walk with another person, not ordering something or yelling all the time. I was just trying to transfer the skill to know what other people think about him or her doing A or doing B and etc. And I probably thought at that time, the fastest way to build a good team is to make as much members as you can who are not managers think like managers or understand what managers will say. What do you think about what I did? Too sweet? Well maybe, but I think the notion or portion of this idea works for everybody. If someone cares to talk with me about these things and you're actually having a hard time with your members or the opposite your managers, let's drink and talk. ;-)

Wow how haughty this theme was for the beginning of the year. (sweating...)