What team does Sara work on?
Given my work in the past year, I’ve found it humorous which teams Microsoft people think I work on.
Here’s the current scorecard: (votes are based on emails where people guess which team I’m on)
All votes from internal MSFT people
- Microsoft Shared Source Initiative Team: 3 votes
- CodePlex Team: 2 votes
- MSFT Legal Team: 2 votes (this one really cracks me up)
- DevDiv Education Team: 1 vote
All votes from people external to MSFT
- Open Source Software Lab Team: 2 votes
The correct answer is “Visual Studio Community Team” (we're in the Developer Division Engineering Excellence org) and for extra credit, the exact team under Josh is the “Developer Solutions team.”
I guess I'm pretty outspoken.
March 22, 2007
This probably wouldn't happen if you had an About Me page like every other Microsoft employee that starts "I am a member of the X team". I would have guessed Shared Source, too.Anonymous
March 22, 2007
I have an about me page, but it is just 3 years out dated. =)Anonymous
April 04, 2007
Hi, I've just stumbled upon a really old post regarding docking manager in VS2005. This happened because I'm on the search for a reliable and, well, professional docking manager, and VS is the best. Ever. I mean all other docking managers have drawbacks and/or bugs. Now I don't know if this is the right place to ask, but anyway: can one use the docking manager from Visual Studio?... and I mean it from all points of view: technical, copyright, all.