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Sara Ford's Weblog

My adventures embracing open source on CodePlex and at Microsoft

Did you know… You can use F12 in the Object Browser to go to the definition of whatever’s selected? - #222

On the context menu of both the Member Pane (right panel) and the Object Pane (left panel), you’ll...

Author: saraford Date: 05/23/2008

Did you know… You can sort objects and members in the Object Browser? - #221

On the context menu for either the Object Pane (left) or Member Pane (top-right), you can sort by...

Author: saraford Date: 05/22/2008

Did you know… There are two primary means of searching for objects in the Object Browser? - #220

Now we’ll move to the second toolbar in the Object Browser, which is all about searching.  But...

Author: saraford Date: 05/21/2008

Did you know… You can show Extension Methods in the Object Browser - #219

This tip is new for Visual Studio 2008. You can learn more about extension methods in the...

Author: saraford Date: 05/20/2008

Did you know… How to stop displaying all inherited members in the Object Browser member pane - #218

The next option in the Object Browser Settings is the Show Inherited Members. When enabled, you’ll...

Author: saraford Date: 05/19/2008

Did you know… What consists of “other” in Show Other Members in Object Browser Settings? - #217

A few tips ago, I gave the documentation a hard time about now having an example.  But in...

Author: saraford Date: 05/16/2008

Did you know… You can mark methods and types as Hidden, so they don’t appear in Intellisense or in the Object Browser? - #216

Today’s tip is a continuation from yesterday’s tip which talked about how to hide or show hidden...

Author: saraford Date: 05/15/2008

Saviez-vous que Visual Studio Tip of the Day is now in French!

Update: after some email debates between the verbs “Savoir” and “Connaitre” (the French verb “to...

Author: saraford Date: 05/14/2008

Did you know… You can hide or show hidden members and types in the Object Browser? - #215

I never officially tested the object browser, but rather played back-up tester, in case someone went...

Author: saraford Date: 05/14/2008

Did you know… You can choose whether to show base types in the Object Browser? - #214

In the Object Browser Settings, there’s the Show Base Types option. For the example below, Class1...

Author: saraford Date: 05/13/2008

Did you know… You can customize both your object pane and members pane in the Object Browser? - #213

For the next several tips, we’re going to take apart the Object Browser Settings for what appears in...

Author: saraford Date: 05/12/2008

Did you know… You can create a keyboard shortcut for adding references to a solution from the Object Browser? - #212

This is really a continuation from yesterday’s tip, but wanted to call it out as a separate...

Author: saraford Date: 05/10/2008

First .NET User Group created back home on the Mississippi Gulf Coast

It feels weird not to append a # at the end of a blog title.  Oh Tip of the Day, what have you...

Author: saraford Date: 05/08/2008

Did you know… The Object Browser has a navigate forward and navigate back? - #211

Another set of buttons on the Object Browser toolbar belongs to Navigate Forward and Navigate Back....

Author: saraford Date: 05/08/2008

Did you know… You can add references to your solution directly from the Object Browser - #210

Let’s say that you find the component that you want to add to your solution.  Typically, you’ll...

Author: saraford Date: 05/07/2008

Did you know… You can create a custom list of components for the Object Browser - #209

Expanding a little more on yesterday’s tip, you can create a custom components list for the Object...

Author: saraford Date: 05/06/2008

I’m looking for questions for a Visual Studio Factoid

Once again Rob Caron has sent me on a quest.  This time it is to put together a Visual Studio...

Author: saraford Date: 05/05/2008

Did you know… You can specify to only show components in your Solution in the Object Browser? - #208

By default, the Object Browser shows you all the components in the latest .NET Framework...

Author: saraford Date: 05/05/2008

Did you know… Ctrl+Alt+J opens the Object Browser - #207

It’s time to move on to the Object Browser… You can use Ctrl+Alt+J to open the Object Browser. ...

Author: saraford Date: 05/02/2008

Did you know… you can prompt for arguments when you run an external tool - #206

And to finish the customization of the external tools series, you can prompt for arguments, in case...

Author: saraford Date: 05/01/2008

Did you know… How the External Tools Tokens Work? - #205

Updated 30Apr2008: Note the binary directory is for Visual Studio 2008. I’ve hinted at a few of the...

Author: saraford Date: 04/30/2008

Did you know… you can have your External Tool’s text displayed in the Output Window? - #204

At the bottom of the External Tools dialog, you’ll see more options for customizing the external...

Author: saraford Date: 04/29/2008

Did you know… You can rearrange the list of external tools and create mnemonics? - #203

Continuing with the newly added notepad tool from Friday’s tip, you can use the External Tools...

Author: saraford Date: 04/28/2008

Did you know… You can add your own External Tools to the list? - #202

Go to the Tools – External Tools dialog, and you’ll see the Add  button.  Clicking Add...

Author: saraford Date: 04/25/2008

Did you know… You can run external tools within Visual Studio? - #201

It’s the External Tools Tip of the Day series!! Okay I have to admit, I’m not the local expert in...

Author: saraford Date: 04/24/2008

Did you know… You can bind the show “Errors”, “Warnings”, and “Messages” buttons to keyboard shortcuts? - #200

WOW!  Tip number 200.  There are no words, except for “what a difference a day makes.” I’m...

Author: saraford Date: 04/23/2008

Did you know… You cannot enable the “stop search” on the Output Window? - #199

You may have noticed the “Stop Search” command on the Output Window context menu.  So, I spent...

Author: saraford Date: 04/22/2008

Did you know… You can redirect debug messages to the output window? - #198

Depending on your environment settings (like the Visual Basic Default Settings), you may have...

Author: saraford Date: 04/21/2008

Did you know... You can use F8 and Shift+F8 to navigate among errors in the output window - #197

the General Development Settings, F8 and Shift+F8 are bound to Edit.GoToNextLocation and...

Author: saraford Date: 04/18/2008

Did you know... You can customize the color scheme in the Output Window - #196

On the Tools – Options – Environment – Fonts and Colors page, in the Show Settings For combo box,...

Author: saraford Date: 04/17/2008

Did you know... you can double-click messages in the Output Window to jump to that location in the code? - #195

if you double-click on any error or warning in the output window, you will jump directly to that...

Author: saraford Date: 04/16/2008

Did you know... You can enable Word Wrap in the Output Window? - #194

For those following the Tip of the Day series, I’ve run out of interesting tips with the...

Author: saraford Date: 04/15/2008

Did you know... You can create new Toolbox tabs? - #193

Combining this week’s tips, you can create your own toolbox tabs to store practically whatever you...

Author: saraford Date: 04/14/2008

I've been Microspotted for open source!

Microspotting – Like the paparazzi, but for geeks.  Here’s my interview with Ariel, where we...

Author: saraford Date: 04/12/2008

Did you know... You can Ctrl+C copy and Ctrl+V paste controls into other Toolbox tabs? - #192

Yesterday’s tip talked about how you can drag and drop code from within the General Toolbox. ...

Author: saraford Date: 04/11/2008

Did you know... You can drag and drop code onto the Toolbox General tab? - #191

Today’s tip is especially helpful if you are going to write code in a presentation.  Now you...

Author: saraford Date: 04/10/2008

Did you know... You can do a "show all" to find your "hiding" toolbox controls - #190

Today’s tip comes directly from the developer who works on the toolbox.  He told me he sees a...

Author: saraford Date: 04/09/2008

Did you know... Why does each Toolbox group have a Pointer control, and what does it actually do? - #189

You’ve probably noticed how the pointer control is sticky at the top of each tab group.  This...

Author: saraford Date: 04/08/2008

Did you know... You can sort items in the Toolbox alphabetically? - #188

Although most of the time, the controls are listed in Alphabetical order.  But, if you ever...

Author: saraford Date: 04/07/2008

BlogHer Business Conference 2008 - Trip Report

Just spent my first 3 days in New York City, attending the BlogHer Business Conference.  When...

Author: saraford Date: 04/07/2008

Announcing the Japanese Visual Studio 2008 Tip of the Day

I’ve created a new blog to host the translated Tip of the Day.  Unfortunately, it wasn’t...

Author: saraford Date: 04/07/2008

Did you know... You can use Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Down to move among the various control groups in the Toolbox - #187

You could page up and down throughout the toolbox to reach the previous or next control group, or...

Author: saraford Date: 04/04/2008

今日のワンポイント : ウィンドウを分割する方法と新しいウィンドウを作成する方法 - #004

日本語のVisual Studio 2008 ワンポイントは、新しい場所からご利用いただけます。 現在のウィンドウを分割するには、2...

Author: saraford Date: 04/03/2008

Did you know... You can use '*' to Expand All and '/' to Collapse All in the Toolbox - #186

These are specific to the Toolbox.  Pressing * (Shift+8 on ENU keyboards) will expand...

Author: saraford Date: 04/03/2008

今日のワンポイント : スペースを表示する方法 - #003

日本語のVisual Studio 2008 ワンポイントは、新しい場所からご利用いただけます。

Author: saraford Date: 04/02/2008

Did you know... You can switch between Icon View and List Item View in the toolbox? - #185

And yet another i had no idea you could do this until someone showed me.  By having just the...

Author: saraford Date: 04/02/2008

今日のワンポイント : エディタでのボックス選択/列選択の方法 - #002

日本語のVisual Studio 2008 ワンポイントは、新しい場所からご利用いただけます。 Visual Studio...

Author: saraford Date: 04/01/2008

Did you know... You can display Guidelines in the Editor - #184

My most popular tip of all time is Guidelines.  It was one of my very first tips about Visual...

Author: saraford Date: 04/01/2008

Did you know... You can do multi-column sorting (secondary sort, etc.) in both the Error List and Task List - #183

Both the Error List and the Task List have support for multi-column sorting, like secondary sort...

Author: saraford Date: 03/31/2008

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