MVP Summit Stories from 2007
And now my manager will answer all of your open source questions, since I gotta run…
Last week was the MVP Summit, where once in every 1.5 years our MVPs gather on campus to see what’s currently in the works. Thanks to Charlie Calvert from the C# team, I was able to talk for a few minutes at his C# Community sessions about the work I’ve been doing and where I hope to take it. Humorously enough, the first sessions was running way over, so at the end of my slides, I said, “I have to meet an MVP for lunch 20 minutes ago, so I have to run now. But my manager Josh here will be happy to answer all your questions about Embracing Open Source at Microsoft. No pressure Josh.” There was much laughter as Josh stood there as I bolted for the door. I think someone tried to run after me to ask a question, but I ran faster =) And for the record, I stayed behind for questions during the second session. No conflicting schedules that time. Ironically, the MVP who asked me the most questions about CodePlex in the second session grew up in southern Mississippi too.
Apparently if i work any harder at my public speaking skills, i’ll be able to time travel. Oh wait, isn’t Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles coming out with a movie? Maybe i better calm down a little; otherwise, Howard the Duck may be next.
One of the best things about conferences is that I get to meet blog readers. It’s never a dull moment. But the best was when a Developer Evangelist asked Josh how many people needed to be in the audience for me to be a speaker at his CodeCamp. I didn’t know an actual number existed (it really doesn’t). But the online petition idea would be so cool. =)
A lake is not a fountain
And even better than meeting blog readers is meeting contributors to our CodePlex projects! I met both Jim Zimmerman (from Ajax Control Toolkit) and Peter Richie (from the Power Toys). As Peter mentions, I gave him a tour of the Microsoft campus. How does one give a tour of campus? “And in this building, they make Office!” And, drum-roll please, “here is lake bill!! Oops, um, wait. That’s a fountain, isn’t it?” – I had to get directions to lake bill, since a fountain is obviously not a lake. =) Peter got to meet the CodePlex team, which was conveniently eating lunch in the cafeteria I got lost in. (how I thought I could pass Search and Rescue training is beyond me). And of course he got to meet our Power Toy developers and get a “tour” of the Visual Studio building.
Reports of Snowballs Seen in Hell
Probably the best part of the tour was going inside Microsoft’s Open Source Lab. I had actually never been inside the lab before, which is probably the most unique room in all of Microsoft. (yes, I know, my 9th grade English teacher, something cannot be more unique than something else, but it is my blog and my reality says it can!) And thanks to Jamie, we got some Port 25 t-shirts. That was so much fun handing out those snowballs in hell t-shirts at OSCON last year. “What?! You mean I have Microsoft around my neck!?!” (the OSCON 06 badge holder was from Port 25.)
Until next summit! Will (my nominated MVP), when are you ever going to stop by Redmond so I can finally meet you in person?
March 21, 2007
I thought about greeting you by saying "Wow! It's Amy Poehler!" but I chickened out and didn't do it. ;)Anonymous
March 21, 2007
Plus the Gray CodePlex T-Shirt was the coolest shirt given out at the summit!Anonymous
March 22, 2007
Mike: Actually, someone did call me "Amy Poehler," but i forget who, Maybe it was because they ran away after they said it. =) Merrion: I'll find the person who designed the t-shirt and let them know.Anonymous
March 22, 2007
One might say I designed that gray CodePlex t-shirt. I'm pleased it will be enjoyed.Anonymous
April 03, 2007
Last month during the MVP Summit , I was able to meet Todd Ogasawara during the Open Source SoftwareAnonymous
April 25, 2007
Maybe next time, although it clashes with the time that I have to start writing up my PhD thesis. I might be in Redmond sooner though; it just depends on whether Rob Sinclair ever comes up with a tempting offer; so far he's failed to do so. I'm looking forward to that tour of the VS building :) Will