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Tech Ed Day 4 (last day)

Today was the last day of the Tech Ed Developer's conference.  Next week will be the IT Pro conference which I won't be around for.  I'm definately looking forward to getting back home.  This week has been amazing and I've had the priviledge of meeting a lot of architects and developers who are getting excited about extending Visual Studio.

Things were a lot more quiet today as attendees were busy trying to leave and get back home.  We had less than half the people visit our booth today than the other days.  I had to peddle our pens and start handing them out to every person walking by to get rid of them.  In the end, we gave away 1000 pens this week and about half the cards that talked about our upcoming conference in September.

I did get a few good discussions going today with some attendees who shared their ideas with me on how they can extend Visual Studio.  A few people who attended my chalk talk also came by with some great questions on how to extend VS and where to get more information.  I programmed myself to keep telling them to start at our dev center,

I also received the initial results from the attendees about my chalk talk.  The evaluation grade was 7.5 / 9.  Not too bad.  I was hoping for a 8/9 but for my first chalk talk, I'm happy with it :)   A couple of attendees thought I would be going deeper into macros so the synopsis was misleading to them.  I also had a three straight 9s and some positive comments about the SDK.  It's re-energizing hearing how excited people are about building extensions!

For those who came up to the booth or attended my chalk talk, it was great meeting you and I definately look forward to hearing from you about the cool extensions you've built on top of VS.

For now, good bye Orlando :)