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Mike Pallot on the World of Technology and Microsoft Partners...less of the what and more on the impact on you!

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Quickstart for Search: Free trip to Redmond, free POC of your business idea...!

Just come out of a days business review with my colleagues from Redmond and they highlighted a...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 10/09/2006

Protecting Privacy - could Search be the last bastion in protecting identity....or the tool used against us all by the evil doers...??

Hi All, So as I flick through my copy of the Sunday Times, slalom through my news feeds or shred the...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 10/09/2006

Humour: Run a search for 'Search' and locate your nearest competitor - Google and MS :-)

We have seen this for a while now but have been keeping stum for obvious reasons - story is if you...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 10/08/2006

Training agenda confirmed for CCS training - 1st and 2nd November - register now!!

Hi All, This is the agenda now confirmed, for the training session on the 1st and 2nd November -...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 10/06/2006

So one of the best links I have found for technical and 'how-to' content for HPC is the Windows HPC...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 10/06/2006

IBM and Microsoft joining forces...!

So yesterday I had the distinct pleassure of spending 15 hours with the IBM Deep Computing team at...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 10/06/2006

HPC Blog transitioning - change your feeders now!

Hi All, I have decided to write all the HPC content under one blog which will be my main site - here...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 10/06/2006

Early headsup - UK Training for CCS - free...!

Yes, you heard it right - we are going to run a bootcamp for CCS on the 1st and 2nd November. This...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 10/06/2006

Hi All - rather a quick post tonight following the Enid Blyton edition from earlier on in the week,...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 10/05/2006

The Google Effect...and Doris...we all need one!!

Right so when you sit back and think of how business has been fundamentally changed I thought I...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 10/03/2006

Offtopic: CNET Awards Finalist for Technology Partnership of the Year Award 2006 - Microsoft and SurfControl

I think we can be proud that in an industry of over 100 vendors, resellers and OEMs Microsoft has...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 09/29/2006

Microsoft Virtual Partner Conference - discover more about our plans and direction!

For the first year ever Microsoft is delivering a huge amount of our Partner conference on the web....

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 09/25/2006

Microsoft Search Solution Event with Redmond Guest Speakers!

So I mentioned last week about the Business Search conference coming up on Friday 13th October, at...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 09/25/2006

Design change for Blog: making RSS feeders have happier eating..!

Hi All - just changed the style on all the posts to remove the annoying black highlight on all the...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 09/20/2006

Microsoft Search gaining credibility and seen as a compelling differentiator for Microsoft Partners... - read the report here!

Sure some of you have seen this article in InfoToday about the Search offering in SPS 2007 - some...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 09/20/2006

Search Training Week - calling all SIs and Devs around Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007!!

We are planning a week where James Akrigg and I get on the road and visit partners who are...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 09/15/2006

Friday Humour: Cubicle Song and Video...classic stuff

So we have all seen this type of office antics before and this is another in the same vain - a...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 09/15/2006

Offtopic: Abseiling, Climbing and lots of water...good excuse for less blogging

So I am afraid I have not been able to blog much this week as I have been out of the office on a...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 09/08/2006

Warning change of blog - single blogs now for HPC and Search - change your RSS feeds accordingly :-)

Right so based on your feedback I have decided to change this blog so that we have two separate...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 09/03/2006

Sunday Humour: Gaping Void.....the blogging wine/cartoonist on MS and Google

This made me smile when I saw it....looks like the world is thinking Google and MS, and Hugh Macleod...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 09/03/2006

Google Apps: Commentary and Discussion....check out this press release!!

Some of you may have seen this in the press and the Blogosphere recently, one of Microsofts Gold...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 08/31/2006

Offtopic Sunday humour: Fiat put Escape and Windows Keys on Steering Wheels.. :-)

So as an follow up to the blog I did a few weeks back on F1 use of MS technology (Offtopic Friday...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 08/27/2006

Off Topic: Scoble and Eric Sink on: How to get people talking about your product...

I was browing Robert Scoble's blog and caught this link to a great reference of 'How to get people...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 08/25/2006

Ah yes so here we are in the UK just about to start a 3 day bank holiday weekend and here's me all...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 08/25/2006

Quick Poll: Feedback on splitting the blogs between HPC and Search - ??

Would you prefer two blogs split into HPC and Search or keep it as it is? Feedback gratefully...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 08/24/2006

"It's the bleeding edge," said InterKnowlogy CEO Tim Huckaby, "but the next version of SharePoint is so good it's worth the pain."

So some of you may have seen this link from CRN - now this is where I absolutely love working for...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 08/23/2006

Microsoft search wants to pick your brain...and then some!

So you have all been in the same situation before - you sit listening to a great presentation -...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 08/20/2006

iFilters - how to write as well as how to use in managed code!

So we have had some questions from partners wanting to understand how to write iFilters for...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 08/18/2006

So was browing the web this evening and found these documents on customizing search for SPS 2003 -...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 08/16/2006

Microsoft UK Managing Director - video live on TechNet

There is a new series of 'Talking Microsoft' articles - in resume a selection of videos posted about...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 08/15/2006

The Business Online Article: Microsoft and Google slug it out for control of enterprise Search

There have been a few articles in the press with different pundits commenting on differing company...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 08/13/2006

Offtopic Friday humour...More on the Automotive Industry..!

So I am sure some of you have seen the Automotive announcements around Formula 1 that I have to say...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 08/11/2006

Auto industry revs up high-performance computing!!

So this week there have been a few stories in the press around MS in the automotive industry and as...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 08/11/2006

Want to know the history of SuperComputing...MS Research article with the lot!!

Looking around for all of the stories around HPC has brought me to this site which has the history...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 08/11/2006

Microsoft shows off improved search - the user dimension..

Righty ho, so just seen a new story around some of the great Search technology coming out of...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 08/09/2006

Partners using Microsoft CCS - The ISV solutions..

Tonight I want to share with you the partners who will be using CCS as one of their platforms of...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 08/09/2006

High Performance Computing...for the masses...

Right so if I am not careful I will natter all about Search and not do justice to probably one of...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 08/08/2006

Opinions sought...French Government to enter the Search Market...what do you all reckon?

So this story has been getting a bit of news in the press and driving quite a bit of traffic on some...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 08/08/2006

Okay so I know I said in the intro that I would not just throw links at you but to be honest...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 08/08/2006


So this is a new blog focussing on two hot areas for Microsoft this year notably: Search and High...

Author: Mike P_1 Date: 08/08/2006
