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Listening to your customers...

I got home from work this PM to try and log on to NetBank and pay my bill...a process which 12 hours ago inspired the this is broken post.

The site was still down. I couldn't even email customer support.

I scrolled through the site and found the name of a guy, "Jeff Wagner" who was listed as a contact point (I had contacted him previously about another issue which he resolved.)

No sooner than I had opened my email to send Jeff a note did I see a comment on my Blog posted by none other than...Jeff Wagner.

I thought..."there is no way that there is some random guy named Jeff Wagner reading my blog."

Sure enough, the NetBank guy is obviously trolling the blogosphere (Technorati, Jeff?) and reading/responding to blogger comments like mine. Here's what he wrote:

Jeremy: I appreciate the evaluation you have provided on NetBank's new
authentication layer. I would like to take the opportunity to address your
questions and concerns and maybe add some clarity to your 1st impressions (i.e.
you won't have to answer additional question each time you log in, thankfully).
Perhaps you could contact me via email offline? I can be reached at jwagner AT I look forward to hearing from you. Jeff Wagner Director, Customer
Care NetBank, Inc.

I was impressed. It is this type of customer service that has made me appreciate NetBank.

I'll let you know how this is resolved (still can't pay my Bill), but it's a good sign of responsiveness and pro-active as well (because I was going to send him the link to the post).