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Attention to detail...

If you weren't on the Get Engaged call this AM, consider yourself lucky.


Here's what happened...I busted my butt to prepare a great presentation for the partners. I uploaded it to Live Meeting last night (which was smart since I somehow got locked out of my Vista RC1 machine this AM). Anyway, I logged on and started going through the slides.

Got to slide 6 and all of a sudden I realized..."hey, this isn't my deck!"

I was embarrassed and humiliated. Had to cancel the call.

Fortunately, the partners were very understanding.


Turns out there is a Live Meeting glitch with Office 2007 and only 1/3rd of my presentation was uploaded.


Bottom line: no matter how many times you've done something, dot your i's and cross your t's.


I was pretty upset about this. Missed a golden opportunity to connect with some GREAT partners.