Kirk Evans Blog
.NET From a Markup Perspective
Last Pics from PDC
... unless something funny happens at the airport. Click here.
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 10/30/2003
More pics from PDC
More pics can be found here. Mostly from the Ask the Experts session.
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 10/30/2003
More Pics from PDC
Anders talking about C# enhancements. Me, Carl Franklin, and Mark Dunn in the Westin Hotel. The...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 10/30/2003
Some PDC Photos
... can be found here. More to come.
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 10/30/2003
Photos From PDC
Jim Allchin delivers the keynote. Amazon's app is cool, but looks alot like Safari. Vishwas Lele and...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 10/30/2003
System.Xml in Whidbey
Drew is real-time blogging this session, so you should see some more feedback soon. XmlDocument is...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 10/29/2003
Don Box Quotes - Scooped
I was going to post a couple DB quotes myself, but got scooped. In one of the Indigo sessions, Don...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 10/28/2003
PDC: Pre-Conference Info (XML and Web Services Pre-Con)
Like Drew and Benjamin, I attended the “.NET - The XML and Web Services Perspective“...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 10/27/2003
PDC 2003 Community App
If you are at PDC, you can go to https://pdcvibe and download the PDC 2003 community app. Sure, there...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 10/26/2003
.NET - XML And Web Services Perspective
Notes from the Don Box, Tim Ewald, and Martin Gudgin session, “XML Web Services...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 10/26/2003
SharePoint Free Book Chapters
You can download free chapters on SharePoint from the new Exchange 2003...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 10/23/2003
I decided that the new site I am developing should be checked to conform to the W3C CSS and XHTML...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 10/22/2003
Ft. Worth User Group Double-Up, Awards, and Bench Time
Two for One in Ft. Worth On October 14th, I will be presenting to the Ft. Worth User Group on...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 10/01/2003
Greenville .NET User Group
On Tuesday, Sept 16th, I will be speaking at the Greenville Spartanburg Enterprise Developer's Guild...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 09/11/2003
That's some rough food
My son went to the doctor today for his routine checkup. We mentioned that he is extremely active...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 09/04/2003
XQuery at PDC
Here comes XQuery Ready or not, XQuery is on the way with the W3C finalizing their recommendation...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 08/26/2003
Knoxville Tennessee User Group
I am presenting tonight to the East Tennessee .NET User Group in Knoxville, Tennessee on...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 08/21/2003
Turns out Monkeys Like to Code VB, Too
"Humans and higher primates share approximately 97% of their DNA in common. Recent research in...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 08/01/2003
SQLXML on Windows 2003 Server
My previous entry noted that SQLXML 3.0 SP2 Beta 1 is posted, but I have not been successful in...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 07/22/2003
Really Sick of Syndication, Technology Meets Reality TV
New Technologies OK, that gets the geeks reading this one. Really, I am not working with new...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 07/21/2003
SQLXML 3.0 SP2 Beta 1
SQLXML 3.0 SP2 Beta 1 is available for download. It seems that the "catasrophic failure" issue I had...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 07/19/2003
Algorithm Efficiency on
My ASPAlliance article, "CS201 - Programming Fundamentals, Part 1 : A Simple Linked List, and...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 07/10/2003
Handling ValidateRequest errors within a Page
I have seen a couple posts asking how to process the errors caused by the ValidateRequest feature in...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 07/07/2003
Use ASP.NET Data Binding to Bind Directly to XML (sans DataSet)
As I mentioned in my previous blog post about binding, any object that supports IEnumerable can be...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 07/04/2003
When in the course of human events it becomes necessary...
Remind yourself of why July 4th, 2003 is a great day in Anytown,...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 07/04/2003
Go Braves!
In a stunning display of infielder prowess and magnificent pitching...OK, I can't say that with a...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 07/02/2003
Creating Thumbnail Images and DataBinding to a Repeater Control in ASP.NET
I know there are controls out there that accomplish this same task, but I couldn't help but roll my...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 07/02/2003
For Sale - 2 Metallica Tickets
I have 2 general admission tickets for the Metallica, Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, Deftones, and...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 06/30/2003
More Love for Paul
DGG and Wally are showing Paul some love. Selfishly, don't share the love too much for Paul... we...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 06/25/2003
Great CSS Link
Always trying to accumulate great CSS resources. This one is for the "CSS...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 06/25/2003
A Context for XML Complexity?
Don writes that XML in its entirety had become more complex than COM ever was. I disagree with this...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 06/24/2003
Getting XML from Somewhere Else
I see this type of question often. I want to get XML from another URL. In MSXML, I used the...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 06/24/2003
What's Wrong With XmlDocument?
So, what's wrong with System.Xml.XmlDocument in .NET? Plenty, according to Joshua Prismon: To use...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 06/18/2003
Parameterizing SQL Calls
Damian Barrow is having some problems with parameterizing SQL calls and performance. He is...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 06/17/2003
Removing Namespaces in XML, Security in ASP.NET
An Update - 05/19/2004 Instead of looking at XSLT for removing namespaces, consider using a...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 06/13/2003
.NET Posters
Dave Wanta recently posted on the DOTNET-CLR mailing list that a new set of posters for .NET 1.1 are...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 06/12/2003
Increasingly Frustrated
I had installed Outlook 2003, Infopath, and OneNote on Friday, and really haven't had time to look...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 06/10/2003
This Ain't Dallas, and this ain't Dynasty...
We are off to Dallas, Texas tonight, driving through. We will be in the area 5/19 - 5/23. If anyone...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 05/19/2003
The Job SituationThings have started popping for me after a month of unemployment. I did a free...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 05/13/2003
Dates in XML Schemas: Specifying your own date format?
This topic came up in the win_tech_off_topic list, and it caught my attention. The concept is that...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 05/07/2003
Unseen yet expected web logs
Here are some of the folks that I would like to see web logs for and have not yet seen (if they...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 05/03/2003
Not Another Teenage Blog
First, the smurfs did it. Then "Bring It On" included the line about being "a cheeracracy." Was I...
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 05/01/2003
Organize Your OPML
I really like the ability to organize the subscriptions I have within SharpReader and RSSBandit....
Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 05/01/2003