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Kirk Evans Blog

.NET From a Markup Perspective

Launch event: Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Database Professionals

Register quickly at, as this event is sure to fill up quickly. Atlanta GA...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 10/16/2006

Free .NET 3.0 Training!

Want to learn .NET 3.0? Here's your chance to learn it for free. .NET University Doug Turnure,...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 10/16/2006

Live From Redmond Webcast Series

How cool is this? I just read about a great webcast series called "Live From Redmond" that has some...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 10/10/2006

I’ve Got That Buffett Thing Starting to Kick In

This year, I turn 35. There's a song by Jimmy Buffett called "A Pirate Looks At Forty." Most people...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 10/08/2006

Phased Migration From ASMX to WCF

This question came up on an internal list recently (rephrasing the question slightly): I have an...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 10/05/2006

Blog from Word 2007 WITH Code Formatting

The past few blog posts that I have made had some code in them, and the formatting was lost. I am...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 10/04/2006

Great C++/CLI Tutorial

I firmly believe that every developer ought to be at least familiar with C++, preferably have...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 10/04/2006

Simple WCF Service Behavior: Inspect Messages Through Debug Output

As I demo various web service technologies to customers, inevitably someone is really interested in...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 10/01/2006

Presentation Mode in Vista

I was at a customer the other day, presenting on .NET 3.0, and the desktop background image on my...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 09/25/2006

James Wants to Hire You for Your Dream Job: Architect Evangelist for .NET 3.0

OK, I love my job. But this posting made me reconsider my current career: I have an open position on...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 09/19/2006

GeekSpeak This Wednesday, Plus a Little Atlas

I was lucky enough for my friend Glen Gordon to invite me to speak at this week's GeekSpeak. Of...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 09/18/2006

WCF Outlook Demo - in VB.NET

[Updated: I added the source as a post attachment (thanks, Robert, for the suggestion).] I often...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 08/28/2006

Shared Source at Microsoft

I did a presentation on web services and WCF recently for a crowd that consisted mainly of Java...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 08/14/2006

I just got a new XBox 360... now what?

For Father's Day, my wife bought me a shiny new drill. While I was very appreciative, I knew that it...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 06/24/2006

Shawn Wildermuth's Article on SQL Server 2005 and XML

Shawn Wildermuth wrote a great DevX article on Making Sense of the XML DataType in SQL Server 2005....

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 06/23/2006

Why Can't I Find a List of Zip Codes, Cities, and States?

I am working on a demo, and one of the things I dreamed up involves looking up cities based on a zip...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 06/16/2006

Buzzword Bingo 2.0

AT LAX, waiting on a plane to Atlanta, I bought a book, "The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 06/14/2006

ASMX 2.0 and SchemaImporterExtensions

I like the concept of SchemaImporterExtensions in ASMX 2.0. As you import the schema through proxy...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 06/13/2006

My ASMX 2.0 Webcast Today

I am presenting a webcast on ASMX 2.0 today from 11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST, which is 8:00 am - 9:00am...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 06/13/2006

.NET: The Gospels

A friend looking to get into software development and eager to start his career asked what he should...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 06/12/2006

.NET 3.0 Treatment Centers?

The CodeRyder blog quoted my posting on .NET Framework 3.0: Kirk Allen Evans clearly stated that...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 06/12/2006

.NET Framework 3.0: Clearing the Confusion

This past Friday, Soma announced .NET Framework 3.0. Customers are already asking things like "is C#...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 06/11/2006

Julie Lerman's Webcast on WSE 3.0 Today!

Julie Lerman's webcast on “Introducing Web Services Enhancements for Microsoft .NET (WSE)...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 06/08/2006

Reason #56: Why Hanselman rocks

Tonight I did a bit of referrer surfing, which could be deemed ego surfing. I started looking...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 06/07/2006

How to Divine What Your Generated ASMX Web Service Proxy Will Be Named

Not long ago, I posted "Why Should You Care About Interfaces in ASMX? Because It Provides...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 06/06/2006

Microsoft Architect Connections - Harry Pierson Keynote

Today is the day that we host the Microsoft Architect Connections event here in LA at the Omni...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 06/06/2006

June is Web Services Webcast Month

We have some incredible webcasts to bring you during the month of June. Not only is there a great...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 05/30/2006

Use DHTML To Create Your Own Sidebar Gadgets

Looks like all that time I spent in the late 1990’s writing JavaScript is going to pay off,...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 05/29/2006

C# Versus JavaScript Analogies

I was reading the comments on Nikhil’s blog post announcing Script#. Dimitre Glazkov says that...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 05/28/2006


Today at the Alpharetta office, some of our team is getting together for a Vista and Office 12...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 05/24/2006

Lots of Smart Client Information

I recently did a set of Smart Client presentations, and thought I would share out the resources to...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 05/23/2006

Time to Update That Old Machine With Some New Bits

Wow… lots of publicly available releases being announced. WinFX Beta 2 and Windows Vista Beta...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 05/23/2006

The SharePoint Show

Gene Kraybill created, which sports an impressive collection of information on...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 05/22/2006

New WS-AtomicTransaction Configuration Tools

Andy Milligan posts on the new WS-AtomicTransaction configuration tools in WCF for the upcoming...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 05/16/2006

Atlanta Code Camp 2006 - What's New in ASMX 2.0 Resources

Thanks to everyone that attended yesterday's Atlanta Code Camp 2006 session on "What's New in ASMX...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 05/14/2006

Blogging from Word 2007... Almost

Well, my blogging from Word 2007 didn't go exactly as I planned. But I just figured out why. The...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 05/12/2006

Blogging from Word 2007

I installed Office 2007 Beta 2 today. I was reluctant to install previous versions of Office 2007...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 05/12/2006

Free MSAC Invitation - Registration is Filling Up Fast!

Whoa! A lot of folks took me up on the offer for the Microsoft Architect Connections invitation....

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 05/11/2006

Microsoft Architect Connections

Wanna hear some incredible presentations from folks like Harry Pierson from Microsoft, David Sprott...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 05/10/2006

Psst... Microsoft Gives Away Free Stuff.. Don't Tell Anybody

I have noticed more than a few opportunities for folks to receive free stuff lately. I thought I...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 05/08/2006

Find the Cheapest Gas Around Your Zip Code

I had no idea this existed. MSN Autos can find the cheapest gas around your area, overlaying the gas...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 05/02/2006

Atlanta Falcons Pick D.J. Shockley in 2006 Draft

I am so happy for DJ Schockley. After playing 3 years as backup to David Green, it was really...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 04/30/2006

Dynamically Invoking a Web Service

One of the promises of web services is that you can dynamically discover new services and invoke...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 04/27/2006

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