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Jonathan Hardwick

Improving the performance of Visual Studio

MOM 2005 release: the aftermath

For more news about the RTM of MOM 2005, go check out Nick MacKechnie's blog. In...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 08/26/2004

How do we educate the analysts?

Joe Wilcox of Microsoft Monitor still thinks that people won't download SP2 via dialup, presumably...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 08/26/2004

Jittery digitizer on a Toshiba Portege 3500 Tablet PC? Pen stopped working? Try this

I just fixed an annoying problem on my old Toshiba Tablet PC - the pen stopped working. To be...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 08/26/2004

MOM 2005 is out!

Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 has just been released to manufacturing - the email went out 10...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 08/25/2004

"SP2 and Broadband Migration"

Microsoft Monitor from Jupiter Research is required reading for any serious Microsoft watcher. Joe...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 08/24/2004

New releases: a webcast series about the upcoming MOM 2005

The MOM 2005 release date is fast approaching, and they're setting up a series of webcasts for...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 08/23/2004

Recent MOM 2005 posts from

The field teams are getting ready for Microsoft Operations Manager 2005:Jan Kiese points to...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 08/21/2004

Using SUS to deploy XP SP2

As a followup to Monday's post on using SMS to install XP SP2, the Software Update Services team...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 08/18/2004

New releases: version 2 of the SMS 2003 SDK, and how to install XP SP2 with SMS

If the TLAs SMS, SDK, WMI, and MMC mean something to you, then version 2 of the software development...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 08/16/2004

Welcome to Jim Hugunin!

Jim Hugunin of IronPython fame (and new Microsoft employee) now has a home on Check...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 08/14/2004

Microsoft blogs, journalism, and anonymity

I've just been the victim of some anonymous drive-by journalism from PC Magazine, and it's left a...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 08/12/2004

New releases: SMS FAQs updated, and next week's SMS webcasts

The SMS FAQs were just updated - these FAQs should be your first port of call for technical...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 08/11/2004

August's Management Updates - and more SMS and MOM blogs

Hot on the heels of July's updates, I've published the August MOM and SMS news to the Management...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 08/06/2004


Or, in plain English, “Windows XP Service Pack 2 has been Released To Manufacturing”. Expect the...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 08/06/2004

Preview release of Wintellect's PowerCollections for .NET

Good news in my inbox from the folks at Wintellect: This month, Wintellect announces the...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 08/05/2004

New releases: OS deployment feature pack for SMS 2003, more online training for MOM 2005

The operating system deployment feature pack for SMS 2003 SP1 does just what you'd hope - allow you...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 08/02/2004

July's Management Updates

I've just pushed out July's posts to the Microsoft Management Updates blog: Microsoft Management...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 07/29/2004

IronPython for .NET released - and it's faster than Python-2.3

Some very cool news from Jim Hugunin about IronPython, his port of Python to .NET:He's released it...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 07/29/2004

New releases: online training sessions for MOM 2005

MOM 2005 is coming out Real Soon Now - but they've already created eight 50-minute online lab...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 07/26/2004

What do you map your Tablet PC buttons to?

All Tablet PCs have extra buttons next to the screen, to give the user non-pen-based input options...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 07/26/2004

How Microsoft uses MOM

If you haven't been reading the MS.COM operation tools team weblog, you've missed a five-part series...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 07/23/2004

v1.0 of the SMS Capacity Planner tool

The SMS 2003 Capacity Planner is now available for download. This tool takes a lot of the guesswork...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 07/20/2004

New releases: MOM to HP connector, and best practices for SMS maintenance

The MOM product connector for HP Network Node Manager has been released - you can find it here. With...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 07/13/2004

The joys of wireless, or, why I like cloudy days in Seattle

Like many other Microsoft product-group bloggers, I had today marked down as “absolute...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 06/25/2004

The reason why Microsofties all blog about the same thing at the same time

This morning there's been a bunch of Microsofties blogging about the rumor of Bill Gate starting his...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 06/25/2004

"Microsoft hopes younger eyes have Office vision"

So, I've decided that the slashdotting after Dave Massey's Internet Explorer post wasn't enough. The...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 06/21/2004

What you missed at TechEd about MOM and SMS

At TechEd itself you missed a free copy of SMS 2003, MOM 2005 Express, and Services for Unix, and at...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 05/29/2004

The secret's out - here's what DSI really stands for

"Actually, you missed that part. I would apologize on that normally, but what we have here is the...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 05/26/2004

The MSM Glossary - the hardest part is using the same language

The Microsoft Solutions for Management team have just released their MSM glossary. This puts into...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 05/24/2004

The Microsoft Indy team is hiring

Did I mention that my team is hiring? Indy offers the chance to be in on v1 of a Microsoft product,...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 05/21/2004

MOM and SMS at TechEd

If you're into MOM and SMS and going to TechEd next week, it looks like Ali Parker's blog is the...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 05/19/2004

They redesigned our community web pages - and I don't think I like it

This is belated feedback, after I missed the online chat hosted by TJLau on the redesign of the MOM...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 05/17/2004

Microsoft Management Roadmap

Contrary to popular Slashdot belief, Microsoft's 50,000+ employees do not operate as a giant hive...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 05/15/2004

And then there were three! (SMS & MOM bloggers, that is)

TJLau has started another WEMD blog - he's hoping to give some insights into the product management...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 05/14/2004

One RSS feed of Management Updates, coming right up

Ok, you asked for it, you got it! I've started the Management Updates blog on, and...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 05/14/2004

Do you want an RSS feed of Management Updates?

Adam Field asked for an RSS feed of the “Management Update Notification Service” that I blogged...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 05/11/2004

New on TechNet: guide to Capacity Management

The Microsoft Solutions for Management team have released an updated version of their Capacity...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 05/09/2004

Welcome to another SMS blogger!

SMSPerfGuy joins the blogging party - welcome! Now I won't have to be point guy all the time :-)

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 05/09/2004

New releases: beta of SMS 2003 SP1, and MOM connectors for Openview and Tivoli

Donning my marketing hat*: We've released the beta of SMS 2003 SP1. This adds security fixes, more...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 05/06/2004

The other reason to love folder redirection: shadow copies

In my previous post I forgot to mention the other big win of having My Documents redirected to a...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 05/05/2004

Got Sasser?

Didn't turn on auto-updates? Infected with the Sasser worm? Grab Microsoft's Sasser.A and Sasser.B...

Author: Jonathan Hardwick Date: 05/02/2004

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