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eHow-tos Go Live!

So, if you are a regular reader (hello, Mum!) you'll have noticed me mentioning the work we were doing on creating some video-based documentation. If you went to MEDC, you'll have received these on your special DVD pack, but today they went live on MSDN.

Here's a list of all the videos that we've completed and published today:

Creating and Debugging a C++ Windows Mobile-based Application Using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

Nishan Jebanansam, a Program Manager in the Developer Tools Division, walks through creating, deploying and debugging an application written in C++ using Visual Studio 2005.


Creating a Managed Bluetooth Application Using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

Anil Dhawan, a Program Manager in Windows Mobile, discusses using a Managed Class Library to create Bluetooth applications in C# and Visual BASIC .NET.


Creating a Windows Mobile-based Pocket PC Application Using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.

Neil Enns, Lead Program Manager in the Visual Studio for Devices group, demonstrates creating a Web Browser application in C# for the Pocket PC. Neil pays particular attention to the new controls and layout features in Visual Studio 2005.


Creating a Windows Mobile-based Smartphone Application Using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

Description: Neil Enns, Lead Program Manager in the Visual Studio for Devices group, discusses creating a mobile blogging application for the Smartphone in C#, and demonstrates using camera and email controls.


Introduction to Debugging Using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

George Chu, Lead Software Design Engineer, demonstrates using the new debugging features for devices in Visual Studio 2005.


Introduction to Windows Mobile-based Smartphone Development Using C++ and Microsoft Visual Studio

John Kennedy, a Content Specialist in the Mobile & Embedded Devices Division, demonstrates how to create an application in C++ for a Windows Mobile-based Smartphone, covering adding support for basic controls and softkeys.


Upgrading eMbedded Visual C++ Applications to Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

Nishan Jebanansam, a Program Manager in the Developer Tools Division, explains how to update your eMbedded Visual C++ application to work with Visual Studio 2005.


My favourites on this list are the Neil Enns videos, as he ploughs through creating very impressive applications. After you watch this, you'll be stunned at how easy Visual Studio 2005 and Windows Mobile 5.0 makes it to develop. (Well, I also have a feeling that Neil would make constructing a fusion reactor out of old cardboard boxes appear easy.) Don't bother watching the one with me in it (except you, Mum!) unless you have issues with Softkeys in Smartphone applications, 'cos I suck and you might not understand my accent anyway.


But me asside, all the speakers were great and we're very grateful for their time and help in creating these videos. We hope you find them useful, and if so, please let us know! Your feedback is essential.
