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WPC Gang in Houston

Houston is hot and muggy. The cabbies are rude but the food is excellent. More importantly, the Worldwide Partner Conference has turned out to be a stellar event. Here's the gang who worked in the Expo Hall and the Community Lounge:


P1010733There were more Dynamics partners and customers that ever before. I kept getting told the story of how three years ago there were just a handful of people there for the Dynamics team. Now there are thousands:


P1010737And Steve Ballmer's keynote included a demo of the Microsoft Dynamics  CRM product. That was the penultimate indication that CRM is in the top of the stack for product offerings by Microsoft.

To catch up on the announcements made at the WPC check out:

Thanks goes out to the partners who took the time to stop by the Dynamics community lounge. And hey, we did have the best lattes at the event. :o)

Okay, I need to go catch my flight home. Let's hope the cabbie shows up this time.
