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What's in a date format?

You have a number of options when choosing how the date will look in your implementation of Microsoft CRM 3.0. The display depends on the fiscal year and period settings you choose and will effect how the fiscal year appears in the Period column for displaying and managing quotas.

For example, if you select the following fiscal year configuration:

  • Fiscal Year = FY yyyy
  • Template = Quarterly
  • Fiscal Period = P1
  • Display As = P1-FYyy (Hyphen) 

Microsoft Dynamics CRM will display the Period column for displaying and managing quotas for the 2006 fiscal year as:

Q1-FY 2006

Q2-FY 2006

Q3-FY 2006

Q4-FY 2006

Alternatively, if you select the following fiscal year configuration:

  • Fiscal Year = FY yyyy
  • Template Quarterly
  • Fiscal Period = Q1
  • Display as P1

Which is to say, with the same settings as the first example but with Display As = P1 FYyy (Space) you will see a display like this:

Q 1 FY 2006

Q 2 FY 2006

Q 3 FY 2006

Q 4 FY 2006

If you use a fiscal period that is based semi-annually, such as the following fiscal year settings:

  • Fiscal Year = yyyy
  • Template = Semiannually
  • Fiscal Period = Period 1
  • Display As = P1/FYyy (Slash) 

The fiscal year column for 2006 will display as:

Period 1/2006

Period 2/2006

If you would like to have a feature in Microsoft CRM where you can preview the fiscal year settings before you commit them, we have a Web form that you can use to submit your request. From this page, you can either add to or vote for this feature to be sure our product planning team has this information to consider for future releases. The link it below:
