Some Questions and an Idea!
Q: I was specifically looking for information on what an alert will do and how it will show up in the record.
A: A workflow rule can create an activity, send e-mail, create a note, update a record, or change the status of a record. When the help file talks about “alerting” a user, it means doing one of those actions. To learn more about workflow possibilities, on your Microsoft CRM Server, you can start Workflow Manager, and then on the Help menu, click Contents.
Q: How do I add accounts to a quick campaign when they do not all appear on the same page and I do not want all of them in the list?
A: You can use Advanced Find to narrow the list of accounts to just those you want to add to the quick campaign.
- On the Accounts page, click Advanced Find.
- Click Show Details.
- Specify the search criteria. For help with specifying the search criteria, on the Help menu, click Help on This Page.
When you click Create Quick Campaign, you have the option of creating the quick campaign for selected records, all records on the current page, or all records on all pages. If you’re able to get Advanced Find to give you the exact list of records you need, you can select For All Records on all pages.
Or, page through the results and select the records you want to add to the quick campaign. To select multiple records, hold the CTRL key and click each record to include. If you want to see more than the default 25 records per page, on the Tools menu, click Options, and on the General tab, change the value in Records Per Page.
Tip of the day: An update to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 online Help is available that incorporates answers to many customer questions. Download the update here. This help update can be installed by your System Administrator on your Microsoft CRM server, or you can view it stand-alone on your computer.