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Microsoft's Songsmith

On my list of music software to explore is Microsoft's Songsmith. The Seattle P-I covered it yesterday in a piece called Microsoft's Songsmith makes music using PC. This article includes a great video for those starting from scratch. It's kinda a reverse Karaoke. I'm gonna try it with my sax or clarinet.

There there is this one from the research group who came up with this new product. It's kinda cheesy and I wonder what musicians will do with this? I suspect the midi aspect of the songs will become old fast to the pros. But the kids, the kids are gonna luv this. Oh no, singing presentations have replaced Microsoft PowerPoint decks at work! Kill me now.  ;o)

Well one of the guys at work beat me to it (albeit with his voice and not an instrument). You can view his results on YouTube:

He sez, "This is a demo I made using a new software by Microsoft called Songsmith. It's pretty sweet! You basically click on the record button, start singing, and it figures out the correct chord structure for your song. Just about anyone could make music with Songsmith..."

Isn't technology amazing. My kids are gonna luv this. There is no science fiction anymore. It's all becoming reality. Still I'm waiting for my teleporter. ;o)
