JOsh Get's hit by a car
Josh Ledgard is a bicycle riding friend of mine and the third friend to be hit by a car in three years. One ended up in an emergency room for a week touch and go, the other two were able to walk away from the accident. Only Josh's assailant were hit and run types (of the three).
"I saw a red car out of the corner of my eye quickly cut in-front of me and attempt to turn right onto the cross street without a signal. They did this, without knowing that I was right next to them. I slammed on both brakes, but careened into their right front passenger door. I was lucky the force of the collision unclipped me from the pedals. I flew onto the hood of their car and I heard their tires skid from the brakes. When the car stopped my momentum flung me off of the hood and onto the pavement."
My wife is pretty adamant that I do not ride anymore. Over the years I've been chased off the road once and hit once by a lady driver trying to beat a red light. She said she never saw me. That's how'll it will be, the person that runs me over will say, "I never saw him!" I now only ride in the park on a bike path. Even then I have to be extra cautious at the intersections because many times the drivers are busy doing everything but driving.
As I drove to work today, a lady driving a high-end Mercedes was pulling up behind me at a stop light and as she was slowing down, her head went down below the dash--what the heck! There was a car in front of me so I was stuck. Fortunately she bobbed back up and stopped. Be careful out there people.
- Anonymous
May 31, 2009
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