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CRM Documentation Feedback

I monitor the CRM Doc Feedback alias and am amazed that so many people take the time to thank the Community and Content Strategy team for answering their questions. This is a big time hit for the writers and editors but they feel closer to our customers and their challenges by providing this service. And this team prioritizes the updates to the docs based on the feedback.

Here are some examples from some of our readers:

Simple thanks:

Many thanks for your comprehensive reply and for the tip regarding the Help file. You were correct in your assumption and I have what I require here in your reply. This way of providing personal assistance from your Help system in very impressive.

Very simple thanks:

"Thank you." or "Thanks for your quick response."

Thanks and a promise:

I really appreciate all the help.  I will get a screenshot sent to you the next time this error occurs, but I have been using it all morning and nothing seems to be wrong anymore.  I can save and edit items in the inventory again. 

Thanks for the help and I'll email with any future problems.  Thanks!

Now for the kicker; these thank you's are just the ones I have seen today! And there have been more elaborate ones earlier this week.