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Security User Group in Sydney?

Hi folks,

In a previous post I talked about a new Security group that has been started in Melbourne called the Security Interchange.  Rocky Heckman is also starting a Security User Group in Canberra so I wanted to gauge community interest in starting up a Security focused user group in Sydney.

So I wanted to find out.  Do you think we should have a user group in Sydney specifically focused on Security?  We have an infrastructure group already in Sydney so I wanted to know if there is a need for a group solely focusing on Security.  As is the case with all our other user groups we want this to be community run.  So if you have a passion for all things security drop me a line and we can chat about getting this setup.

Personally I think there is more than enough content around Security to keep a group of this type going for a long time.  Both from a Microsoft perspective and other security topics.

So let me know what you think about starting a group like this..

Cheers, Jeffa
