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Testing Vista and Office 2007

I got quite a few questions on Vista and Office 2007 triggered by my posts on Bootcamp. I'm personally waiting for Vista RC1 before I rebuild my MacBook Pro. When I do that, I also plan an updated install script I will post on my blog. My hope is that I can start in just a few more days :-)

Currently, Vista is not available for downloads.

Reading the Vista team blog, it seems you will be able to get back on board when Release Candidate 1 will come out:

Also users of Office 2007 have been asking how they can provide feedback. The easiest way to provide feedback is to use the ‘Send a smile’ tool:

Some Office products also have a dedicate site that allows users to log bugs:

And for other products I suggest using the newsgroups:

Enjoy discovering the new features in Office 2007 and be sure to get on the Vista RC1 train in a couple more days (hopefully).


  • Anonymous
    August 28, 2006
    I have been using 5536 on my MacBook and the hardware support has increased extrordinarily. Sound works perfectly with Apple's new Bootcamp drivers. Graphics support is incredible.

    Overall the operating system quality has improved. Performance has improved, there are less visual glitches and it will finally sleep when i close it! DVD playback works for the first time since i first installed Vista.

    Media center seems to be in rough shape but perhaps that will improve at RTM.
  • Anonymous
    August 30, 2006
    *** for disclosure, I am a Microsoftie

    I am now running 5584 (RC1 build) of Vista Ultimate on my MacBook Pro 2.0 GHz/1.5GB RAM and it is nothing short of stunning, both visually and in terms of usability.  I burned a DVD from the ISO image, and installed it without issue.

    The improvements in recent Vista builds - performance, fit and finish, functionality - are truly amazing; there seems to have been an exponential improvement over the last few weeks as final integrations occur.

    I also own 7 Macs of various vintages from 1987 running Os 8.6 to OSX, the latter of which is on my MacBooks other partition.

    The current "issues" I have running Vista on the MacBook Pro are hardware related:

    Power Management - Apple's site claims that XP will use more power as it doesn't have access to the more advanced hardware functionality
    No camera (I don't use it, but I'd like it to work)
    Key backlighting
    * No DVD Eject key
    * No IR (would be nice for Media Center)

    From a usability POV, this is the BEST experience I've had on any laptop running any OS:  thanks Apple ;-)

    I feel pretty sure that enterprising individuals will fill in the driver gaps until the only workaround required is for the single mouse button (now where is my Dremel and soldering iron?)
  • Anonymous
    August 30, 2006
    Update - Program FilesApple Keyboard SupportKbdMgr.exe as Administrator, and now the Eject Key works...  as has been mentioned, the XP Drivers do not install properly (on my system it failed and rolled back the install), but the files do get copied...
  • Anonymous
    October 14, 2008
    [...] an interesting post was made today on this site [...]...