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Touché David!

So, David is digging up some old old photos of me. Nice one.

Well, young David has featured in an article in this weeks ComputerWorld, with a "noice photo" of him.


The article isn't online yet, but here's a summary of the story

A class above

This article reports on post-graduate studies in the technology market and profiles Microsoft Australia developer evangelist and part-time student, David Lemphers. David comments that ‘while postgraduate study is one of the quickest ways to increase immediate salaries, it offers an opportunity for you to learn things outside of the workplace – you will have new ideas and greater vision in your industry, which is literally invaluable to an IT career.”

Computerworld, 27/09/06, Page 18, Journalist: Darren Pauli

Technorati tags: computerworld, david lemphers

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