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Tech.Ed MeeGo Infoporn

Recently, I've looked at a bunch of Tech.Ed data. I looked at which state
the attendees are coming from
, the top 10
distribution of boys and girls
, and the mix of
itpros/it manager & developers

Now. for some fun. I got some stats on our little Tech.Ed Meegos

Total MeeGos created    3,010
Total Male MeeGos created 1,806
Total Female MeeGos created     1,204
Total number of downloads 3,763

Huh? .40% of the Meegos are Female! What should I read into this?


Next, here are the two "most popular" MeeGos.

Popular Male Popular Female
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Now what does this tell us?

Guys are laptop totting cyber dudes and girls just want to go to the beach
with their code

Finally, let's look at the most popular items selected (male & female

Laptop Laptop 1,043 35%
Monkey Monkey 948 31%
*My* Shirt Mambo Shirt 792 26%
Roller Skates Rollerskates 544 18%
PDA & Headset PDA 495 16%
Mobile Mobile 310 10%

That's a lot of monkeys. 

[ Currently Playing : Once in a
Lifetime - Talking Heads - The Best of Talking Heads: Once in a Lifetime (04:19)
