frankarr - an aussie microsoft blogger
Ponderings from the Pacific Northwest by an Aussie Geek who works at a software company
NYT: Sydney
Excerpt from New York Times Article: Sydney...
Author: frankarr Date: 11/11/2006 Article: 'Gears of War' is next-gen at its best
'Gears of War' is next-gen at its best "Gears of War," a third-person shooter by Epic...
Author: frankarr Date: 11/11/2006
User eXperience Bloke
w00t! Shane's blogging That's what I call getting on with the job! BTW Shane is speaking at World...
Author: frankarr Date: 11/10/2006
wHooiz Frank Arrigo?
wHooiz Frank Arrigo? wHooiz wHooiz? is a free service that allows you to manage your...
Author: frankarr Date: 11/10/2006
Long's Photosynth Screencast
Long has put together a nice screencast of Photosynth He has also posted it to Soapbox. Good to see...
Author: frankarr Date: 11/10/2006
GapingVoid : Change the world or go home
Hugh MacLeod's recent Microsoft Poster is quite timely considering all the stuff coming out over the...
Author: frankarr Date: 11/10/2006
Photosynth Tech Preview is Live
Very Very Cool!!I've got it running on my laptop and it's amazing. The kids have stopped watching...
Author: frankarr Date: 11/09/2006
Zune On MSN Soapbox
Zune On MSN Soapbox Technorati tags: Micrsosoft Zune, MSN Soapbox [ Current Listening to : Blue Sky...
Author: frankarr Date: 11/09/2006
NYT: Microsoft Strikes Deal for Music
Excerpt from New York Times Article: Microsoft Strikes Deal for Music...
Author: frankarr Date: 11/09/2006
NYT: F.B.I. Opens Sydney Office
Excerpt from New York Times Article:F.B.I. Opens...
Author: frankarr Date: 11/09/2006
Growing the team
I've got a great team, and it currently looks like this NSW VIC ACT QLD WA (DE) Developer...
Author: frankarr Date: 11/08/2006
Internet Explorer 7 for Windows XP Windows Media Player 11 for Windows XP .NET Framework 3.0 Office...
Author: frankarr Date: 11/08/2006
Bloggers were invented ca. 300 AD, and were originally called "monks"
From: Nick Holmes à CourtSubject: Bloggers were invented ca. 300 AD, and were originally called...
Author: frankarr Date: 11/08/2006
viavirtualearth having some problems ? Ooops! Since Microsoft announced the v4 release of Virtual Earth, we...
Author: frankarr Date: 11/08/2006
Spaceland (VE3D) goes public finally!
From: Anna Liu (AUSTRALIA) Sent: Tuesday, 7 November 2006 11:06 AM To: DPE Australia all Subject:...
Author: frankarr Date: 11/07/2006
Post Via Email
Using BlogMailr – to post to my blog via email Published with BlogMailr
Author: frankarr Date: 11/07/2006
Clips Removed, Recovering Slowly
Just got back from my friendly surgeon. All 23 clips were removed. I can finally sit up without...
Author: frankarr Date: 11/07/2006
MIS Magazine : Building blogs
The article by Mark Jones has been published in MIS Magazine : Building Blogs. Mark interviewed me a...
Author: frankarr Date: 11/06/2006
Windows Embedded Technical Seminar : Sydney Tuesday, November 28
Don Kerr sent a note that the next Windows Embedded Technical Seminar is coming Windows Embedded...
Author: frankarr Date: 11/05/2006
TechTalkBlogs: +252 Days
TechTalkBlogs continues to grow and grow. I missed my regular end of month status report, but I have...
Author: frankarr Date: 11/03/2006
Global Corporate Challenge : After 154 Days, where did we end up ?
The Global Corporate Challenge. wrapped up last week. So where did Team Microsoft 3359 finish up?...
Author: frankarr Date: 11/02/2006
International Developer Spends 15 minutes with me!
Cool! The latest edition of International Developer has a special section on me. Interview: Frank...
Author: frankarr Date: 11/02/2006
Top 20 Search Keywords for October 2006
The top search words from last month, as reported by BlogBeat. download windows vista installing...
Author: frankarr Date: 11/02/2006
Top 20 Posts for October 2006
As I do each month, let's look back on BlogBeat for my top 20 posts for the month of October....
Author: frankarr Date: 11/02/2006
Zune Ads Online
Aussies may not be seeing the Zune any time soon, but we can still see the Zune ads on YouTube (via...
Author: frankarr Date: 11/02/2006
Codename RikReader : WPF RSS Reader
Douglas Stockwell, former Aussie Imagine Cup Winner and all round uber geek, has released his WPF...
Author: frankarr Date: 11/01/2006
New Australian Regional Director : Dr Neil Roodyn
It gives me a great pleasure to announce we have a new Microsoft Regional Director for Australia...
Author: frankarr Date: 11/01/2006
Back Home, Minus an Appendix
My blogging has been rather quiet - for a reason ! Since Friday I had been in hospital. I had my...
Author: frankarr Date: 11/01/2006
Poor Frank
I've been feeling ill the past few days, and put it down to catching some bug from my kids. I went...
Author: frankarr Date: 10/26/2006
Disappearing for 2 days
I'm going ofline for the next 2 days. I'm in a 2 day meeting we call "the quarterly people manager's...
Author: frankarr Date: 10/23/2006
Where Am I Now?
No, I am not having existential crisis. Check out this awesome mashup developed by the talented team...
Author: frankarr Date: 10/23/2006
Windows XP Australian Launch Video
The Windows XP Launch in Australia was huge and amazingly someone posted highlights of the launch on...
Author: frankarr Date: 10/22/2006
TTB clocks in 300th feed
Just doing some admin and checking if there are any pending approvals for the TechTalkBlogs OPML. We...
Author: frankarr Date: 10/22/2006
Currently Listening To - Problem Solved
Since I moved across to Windows Vista, I hadn't been able to use the Currently Listening plugin for...
Author: frankarr Date: 10/21/2006
ASP.NET AJAX Beta Released
I got an email from Brian Goldfarb this evening, telling us about the release of the first ASP.NET...
Author: frankarr Date: 10/20/2006
Mitch Denny sent the following email to the Australian "dotnet" mailing list. -----Original...
Author: frankarr Date: 10/20/2006
IE7 : Hot Out Of The Oven, Freshly Baked for You!
Internet Explorer 7 for Windows XP Available Now For those of you who haven’t heard yet, we’re going...
Author: frankarr Date: 10/19/2006
Project Glidepath
We had a visitor from APAC RHQ this week, the delightful Dilip Mistry, who is the Lead for Microsoft...
Author: frankarr Date: 10/18/2006
Mitch Denny is in the TechTalkBlogs Driver Seat
Yes Geoff and Will, you are correct - Mitch Denny is our new guest blogger on TechTalkBlogs It was...
Author: frankarr Date: 10/18/2006
Global Corporate Challenge : Walking for 147 days, 1 week to go!
We're getting close to the end of the Global Corporate Challenge. So, last time I checked our...
Author: frankarr Date: 10/18/2006
Windows XP Media Center Edition Developer Information
Some interest lately from folks on developing for Windows XP Media Center Edition & on Windows...
Author: frankarr Date: 10/17/2006
What the? - The David Lemphers Show on TPN
Nick Randolph interviews one of my cheeky boys, David Lemphers. I noted a few things that Dave said...
Author: frankarr Date: 10/17/2006
The geeks shall inherit the earth
Catchy title. It's from an article in this weeks Bulletin by Josh Gliddon, on Aussie Web 2.0...
Author: frankarr Date: 10/17/2006
TechTalkBlogs : New Guest Editor Coming Soon
The Student Partners did a fine job as guest editors over on TechTalkBlogs over the past 6 weeks....
Author: frankarr Date: 10/17/2006
My Team
NSW VIC ACT QLD WA (DE) Developer Evangelists 4 Andrew Coates Dave Glover Charles Sterling (DE)...
Author: frankarr Date: 10/16/2006