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Why I love the F# CTP

OK, I've been working flat out on the F# CTP of late. Not enough blogging, but lots of design work, compiler work, specification writing. And in truth, I've been absolutely loving it. What a great team to work with.

As a pause, I thought I'd explain why I love the way this release is shaping up

  • Explorative scripting with F#. New File -> F# Script. A joy. A fundamental part of my day
  • Intellisense. It's simpler. It's cleaner. It's easier than ever to find my way around the F# library
  • #r in scripts. Never has so much been accessible so easily.
  • Workflows/computation expressions. Simpler. Cleaner. Effective. 
  • Projects in Visual Studio, with both GUI and a project file format that you can reliably edit.

There's more, much more. Full details when the release is out!
