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Feed me!

Um, first I used to just read a few blogs here and there, when there wasn't much to do, but then, I started reading them everyday before work, now, my family hardly sees me...

This was a confession alot of us have heard recently, and to be honest, I've felt the pain too, of visiting 20 websites a day looking for updates and new information from my favourite bloggers.

Well, there is a solution to this. The feed reader! Now, I, like most people (just check out Rob's adventures), have wandered out onto the web, and started downloading and installing feeders like it was going out of fashion. Problem is, they all have varying degrees of functionality and stability.

I followed Rob's lead, and downloaded the beta of intraVnews, and I must say, it's great. So for all those blog readers who wish to reclaim their families, download a feed reader, and be satisfied.


  • Anonymous
    March 07, 2005
    Personally, I just stick with the integrated RSS Feeder from desktopsidebar. Not only can you see your blogs continually on your desktop, there are multiple other panels that allow you to access numerous things all at once.

    More info on RSS Config in Desktopside bar is at!1pufTDowDxU9GLAk0NFikBpA!229.entry and the actual software can be downloaded at