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Check if a Contact Exists

For more information on using this script, see the article Adminstratively Managing User Contact Lists by Nick Smith.

#Contributed by Nick Smith, Microsoft

#Supported Versions: Office Communications Server 2007 R2

#Get User Information

$User = Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * from MSFT_SIPESUserSetting where PrimaryURI = ''"

$UserInstanceID = $User.InstanceID


#Check if contact is already added to user's contact list

$Contact = (Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * from MSFT_SIPESUserContactData where UserInstanceID = '$UserInstanceID'" | Where {$_.SIPURI -like ""})


if ($Contact -ne $null) { #The contact is on the user's contact list

      Write-Host "The contact exists on the user's contact list"


elseif ($Contact -eq $null) { #The contact is not on the user's contact list

      Write-Host "The contact does not exist on the user's contact list"
