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Posting from Word 2007

I read here: about the new Blog posting features in Word 2007.

This is great for a couple of reasons:

  • Right now if i want to write a post over a few days i have to work with it in a document, then copy/paste over to my Blog providers HTML edit window & do all the clean up.
  • This allows me to work on posts just like any other document & it is smart about styles etc...
  • I don’t need to go cobble together a suite of tools to try and blog with. I use Outlook 2007 for reading blogs with its new RSS features, and Word for writing blogs! I can even store my ‘in progress’ posts in an Outlook folder. Great. Everything all in the tool I spent most of the day in.
  • I get all the great Word 2007 features, live preview, spell checking etc...

This is a great new feature and you should check it out in Beta 2 sometime (when it is out soon :)).

This is a test post from Word 2007 Beta 2 :) Check below for a small test on how it handles styles....

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