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Not so fun day today....

Ray Ozzie's keynote today at our internal training called TechReady was great. I have never seen him speak before and frankly don't know all that much about him. I know about Lotus and Groove but not much beyond that. Regardless, I like him and I like his keynote. I wish I could tell you what all was said but it is all internal communications so my hands are tied. Suffice it so ay that there is some cool stuff, industry changing stuff, world changing stuff on the near horizon.

It was all down hill from there though. I attended a Windows Mobile session that didn't teach me anything really new and then a session that was was for my org but didn't tell me much about my team. On the up side I noted this to the speakers and will be meeting with them in the next couple of weeks to clue them in.

Then I decided to cut out early because I am helping a co-worker recover some data on some drives that is important (one drive is toast, the other I am backup up data for right now). Upon going to retrieve my car from the parking garage I found that it was stuck in park and will not disengage. Spent a couple hours working on that before contacting the wife to come pick me up. So tomorrow I will be consuming valuable training time dealing with getting my car out of a parking garage, towed to my mechanic, and getting it fixed.

On the up side I am about to take these drives over to my buddy's house and have a cocktail or two and relax.Also, at our team party tomorrow evening there is a Guitar Hero contest that I am going to enter. Even bringing my axe from home. I will let you know how I do....

