Slow performance in Internet Explorer 8 after installing the Skype v4.1 application
Hi everyone!
We’re seeing another emerging issue around Internet Explorer that we wanted to make you aware of…
If you are seeing slow performance within Internet Explorer 8 (opening new tabs, for example), after just recently installing the latest version of the Skype application (v4.1), this could be the cause. We believe the reason behind this performance issue is an IE add-on that gets installed by the latest revision of the Skype software.
To resolve this issue quickly, please open Managed Add-Ons and disable the installed Skype IE add-on:
Please note: So far, we are only seeing this issue with this specific version of Skype in conjunction with Internet Explorer 8.
The IE Support Team
- Anonymous
July 17, 2009
Thanks for the tip. I uninstall Skypes and the slow IE 8 problem went away! - Anonymous
July 21, 2009
Hi allThank you for bringing this even more to our attention!I am happy to announce that we have now released an update of Skype. It contains an update of the add-on for Internet Explorer that does take care of the performance problems described above.You can find the new version here: let me know if any problems remain!Best regardsPeter Kalmström, PM Skype Toolbars - Anonymous
July 23, 2009
Hi, I was having issues with IE for a few days after just installing Sykpe the other day. I found this post, it immediately fixed the problem, Thanks. IE would take about 1 minute loading, now it's back to 1.5 seconds. - Anonymous
August 14, 2009
This is also a problem with IE7 - I have just removed the Skype addon after users were complaining of slow IE responses and users are now happy once more - well, as happy as users can be ;-) - Anonymous
September 15, 2009
Peter Kalmström...thanks for fixing Skype. However I'm concerned that a large number of IE8 users may be having this problem with no clue how to resolve it. Has Skype taken any action to inform the 4.1 user base? If I hadn't discovered this post, I would have abandoned IE8 out of frustration. How many other IE8+Skype4.1 users are left behind with this problem? - Anonymous
October 10, 2009
Anyway I would like to say that IE is the most worst browser and really shame because it was developed by Microsoft. I'm using Windows 7 and I thought Microsoft did something on the IE performance. But it getting worst. Now I'm still waiting for the good performance of IE while using Firefox. Please fix IE. AND windows 7 also got problem always hang.You are the software leader so please improve yourself else give chance to another programmer to take off your job. There are many programmer around the world better than you. Sorry and have a nice day. - Anonymous
October 28, 2009
The feedback on the right does not access feedback. tried my MVP account and asked a friend in the IE team to try his account.Who can submit bug reports now? Program managers in the IE team? - Anonymous
November 18, 2009
just thought to do my share..had same sort of problem with ie 8 in windows 7 enterpriseopening a browser took 15 sec and tabs also ..found that after i disabled the java(tm) plug-in 2SSV helper from sun it opens fast and normal again..might help for some peeps.. good luck - Anonymous
December 03, 2009
Really useful advice thanks guys - I had the problem with IE7 but deleting the add-ons sorted it. - Anonymous
December 21, 2009
The problem with Skype still persists. I am using IE7, installed Skype a couple of weeks back (downloading the latest version from Skype site). Since then, my IE7 has been unbearably slow. I connected the two events after reading this post, uninstalled Skype (the entire application, not just the Add-On) and now IE7 is back to its previous response time. - Anonymous
January 08, 2010
It's weird... even though I did this it's still slower than Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera!What else is weird is that pretty much everything renders great in those other browsers, but when I use Internet Explorer I run into problems.Can you look into that? Thanks! - Anonymous
January 08, 2010
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
January 30, 2010
Thank you for this assistance. Glad I found this blog! - Anonymous
January 31, 2010
Umm...I don't have skype but my internet is still very VERY slow. Can anyone help? - Anonymous
February 08, 2010
I installed IE 8 right after I did a clean install of Windows 7 during the first week of January 2010. I have installed a number of programs primarilary those that a professional photographer would use. Didn't notice any difference. Incedentially I have never used Skype. I have just noticed the slowdown in the last few days and I haven't installed any additional programs. So I am stumped. My Windows 7 professional is 64 bit. - Anonymous
February 27, 2010
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
May 02, 2010
How do you stop ie8 from installing shortcuts in users program files terminal server 2003 HKLM active setup? Or somewhere else? tried removing stubs and setting ISINSTALLED to 0's but no luck? - Anonymous
March 06, 2012
When dealing with sceanrios where your IE Browser seems to be slow, you can test launching the app with extensions off. You can do this by running the following command from Startrun or from command window iexplorer -extoffResource: Explorer 7 and later versions. Starts Internet Explorer in No Add-ons mode, which you can use to troubleshoot problems with browser add-ons. For more information, see Troubleshooting Internet Explorer Add-ons.Troubleshooting and Internet Explorer’s (No Add-ons)