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Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information from Alfred Thompson

Alfred Thompson's blog about teaching computer science at the K-12 level. Alfred was a high school computer science teacher for 8 years. He has also taught grades K-8 as a computer specialist.

Ada Lovelace Day 2010

It’s Ada Lovelace day again. Today many hundreds (hopefully a couple of thousand) of bloggers are...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 03/24/2010

Rethinking Hello World

Is it time to rethink and replace “Hello world?” Honestly I think so. The purpose of “Hello Word” is...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 03/23/2010

What a week. Very busy with several speaking engagements including a set of hands on labs with high...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 03/22/2010

Virtual Events for Educators and School Administrators

I regularly receive announcements about Microsoft events for educators. Some of them are directly of...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 03/19/2010

New Teaching & Learning Resources for XNA and Web

Last week Microsoft put several curriculum modules on on the higher education part of the Faculty...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 03/17/2010

Windows Phone 7 Series Programming

Programming phones seems to be the hot new thing these days. Yesterday Microsoft announced the...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 03/16/2010

Thoughts On AP CS Principles

The Advanced Placement Computer Science exam is one of the smallest and least diverse members of the...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 03/15/2010

Turning on a Paradigm

I’m in Milwaukee for SIGCSE this week. I love this conference most for the informal conversations...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 03/10/2010

Well last week was another interesting week for me. I finished it off with a short trip to Houston...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 03/08/2010

10 things likely to be overheard from a Klingon Programmer

I have no idea where this came from originally but it showed up on the AP CS mailing list this week....

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 03/05/2010

Upcoming Microsoft Teacher Leader Training Events

Are you an educator responsible for providing technology training to colleagues? Do you frequently...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 03/04/2010

Newsletters for Computer Science Teachers

Maybe you are the sort who likes their news to come on paper. Or perhaps you just like your news in...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 03/04/2010

Say That Again in English

One of the first things I do in the morning is check Twitter. I start with my calendar and my email...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 03/02/2010

NASA Be A Martian Pathfinder Innovation Challenge

Back last November I posted a short link to NASA’s Be A Martian program page. I guess I didn’t...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 02/26/2010

Students to Business Career Streams

Microsoft is doing a number of things to help people enter and grow in technology careers. Yesterday...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 02/25/2010

Small Basic is Moving And Other Resources On the BDLC

Small Basic is now part of the Beginning Developer Learning Center. Looks like the whole landing...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 02/24/2010

ASCII Art For Fun and Projects

I guess I am on a nostalgia kick. Earlier this week I found a link to an Text Ascii Art Generator...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 02/23/2010

I blogged a lot of opinion pieces last week. I’ll try to have more information this week. But at the...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 02/22/2010

Not being able to program a computer is like …

I confess to an almost addictive love for a good analogy to explain various ideas. One analogy...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 02/20/2010


Last week someone on the SIGCSE mailing list mentioned that they learned to program in FORTRAN,...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 02/19/2010

Cheating In Computer Science Classes

This story on cheating in Computer Science classes is one of those things that really makes you...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 02/18/2010

Where is the Computer Science at Education Technology Conferences?

I’ve been attending educational technology (EdTech) conferences for years now. Some of them are...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 02/17/2010

Make Haste Slowly

On Monday I posted a link to An idiots guide to really bad programming. It is an interesting list...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 02/16/2010

I’m running late today I am afraid. Got home late from the west coast last night and my body is a...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 02/15/2010

Programming Contests – for good or for ill

In various contexts the subject of programming contests has come up in conversations I have been...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 02/11/2010

Small Basic 0.8 Now with Silverlight

There is a new version of Small Basic out this week. More details about it on the Small Basic blog...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 02/10/2010

New Windows 7 Track on Microsoft’s Certification Game!

OK so maybe you’re not using Windows 7 at school yet but I’ll bet a lot of your students are running...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 02/09/2010

Well did you watch the Super Bowl? I confess that I did not. I’m just not that into football. Still...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 02/08/2010

Bliink Web Design Competition for Texas High School Students

The Microsoft Corporation, NASA, the Texas Business & Education Coalition, and the State of...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 02/07/2010

What Are You Learning This Summer

No, really! Are you making your summer plans yet and do they include learning time? I have some...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 02/05/2010

Facebook Development

One of the things that came up from the panel I was on last week (that panel has prompted a bunch of...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 02/04/2010

Surprise and wonder in computer science

Last week I attended a workshop day at Stevens Institute of Technology where Michael Kolling,...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 02/02/2010

All sorts of good things last week. Tops among them was a visit to Stevens Institute of Technology...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 02/01/2010

Microsoft Institute Series for Teacher Leaders

February 10-11 in Austin, Texas Register Now: Part 1 Registration Wednesday, February 10 1 p.m.-5...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 01/27/2010

Can Movie Computer Screens Help Us Design Better

NPR did a story recently on the computer screens that we see in the movies. You know the ones with...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 01/27/2010

DigiGirlz Days Spring Schedule

Well the latest batch of DigiGirlz Days are starting to get scheduled. What are DigiGirlz Days? They...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 01/26/2010

So are there or are their not jobs in CS and IT

The other day in my interesting links post I included links to several articles/blog posts. One...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 01/22/2010

Microsoft at TCEA

In a couple of weeks I’ll be heading down to Austin Texas for the annual TCEA conference. This is...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 01/19/2010

When it rains it pours! I spent last week at FETC in Florida but kept a weather eye out for...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 01/18/2010

FETC Day 1 (2010)

My first piece of advice to anyone attending FETC or other major education technology conference is...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 01/13/2010

Brute Force or is there an easy way?

This year being ‘10 has lead to a lot of talk about numbers that look like binary numbers 1/11/10 or...

Author: Alfred Thompson Date: 01/13/2010

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