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Monday Video Links – 1 26 2009

Occasionally I post a bunch of links on a Friday. Usually I do this because I found a bunch of things during the week that were not enough for a whole detailed blog post but I want to get them in. Usually on a Monday I post something original or that really excites me. Well this is sort of different. I didn’t have much blog or Internet time over the week end but I have saved a couple of interesting links that I really hadn’t had time to post before so this is a Monday Links post. I hope you find these useful and/or interesting.

For all you Microsoft Surface fans and those who like the educational possibilities of it I have a couple of links.

Technically Speaking is a series of videos on how to give technical presentations. It was developed as a course to teach verbal communication skills to math students but it is very applicable to any discipline. If you are going to require your students to make presentations on their projects – which I highly recommend – or need to make any sort of presentation of your own this site will be valuable for you.

Embedded below is a 13 minute or so video on storyboarding. Storyboarding is a key development tool for creating movies, books, and many other sorts of things. While this video focuses on the way the Disney Studios use storyboarding for cartoon movies I think you will find it useful for students doing any sort of video project. And for other things as well.
