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GridWorld RolePlay Online

If you are an AP CS teacher one of the things that is an important part of your curriculum is the GridWorld case study. The case study is one of the key pieces of the APCS exam and understanding how it works and being able to use and modify it is very important for student success. For a number of years now running through the case study and its classes and interactions using a role play has been a helpful and useful process. I’ve been through the current role play at some workshops and it can also be fun. The value of getting students up and moving around is also useful I think.

Ben Chun has now put the script and process of the GridWorld role play into an online HTML format. he is not completely finished and is looking for feedback. You can find a temporary link to the role play here but I recommend visiting Ben’s blog for current news and to leave comments. Eventually Ben plans to package this up in a zip file for local use. I encourage teachers who are more familiar with the case study than I am (I don’t teach the case study) to help fine tune Ben’s version.

This is of course yet an other example of the way teachers can support each other using blogs and other web tools. I appreciate teachers like Ben making their resources available to others.