Operations - List
Listy wszystkich dostępnych operacji interfejsu API REST SQL.
GET https://management.azure.com/providers/Microsoft.Sql/operations?api-version=2021-11-01
Parametry identyfikatora URI
Nazwa | W | Wymagane | Typ | Opis |
query | True |
string |
Wersja interfejsu API do użycia dla żądania. |
Nazwa | Typ | Opis |
200 OK |
Pomyślnie pobrano operacje. |
Other Status Codes |
Odpowiedzi na błędy: *** |
Lists all of the available SQL Rest API operations
Przykładowe żądanie
Przykładowa odpowiedź
"value": [
"name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft SQL Database",
"resource": "Azure SQL Server",
"operation": "List/Get Azure SQL Server(s)",
"description": "Return the list of servers or gets the properties for the specified server."
"name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/write",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft SQL Database",
"resource": "Azure SQL Server",
"operation": "Create/Update Azure SQL Server",
"description": "Creates a server with the specified parameters or update the properties or tags for the specified server."
"name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/delete",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft SQL Database",
"resource": "Azure SQL Server",
"operation": "Delete Azure SQL Server",
"description": "Deletes an existing server."
"name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft SQL Database",
"resource": "Azure SQL Database",
"operation": "List/Get Azure SQL Database(s)",
"description": "Return the list of databases or gets the properties for the specified database."
"name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/write",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft SQL Database",
"resource": "Azure SQL Database",
"operation": "Create/Update Azure SQL Database",
"description": "Creates a database with the specified parameters or update the properties or tags for the specified database."
"name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/delete",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft SQL Database",
"resource": "Azure SQL Database",
"operation": "Delete Azure SQL Database",
"description": "Deletes an existing database."
"name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPools/databases/read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft SQL Database",
"resource": "Azure SQL Database",
"operation": "Gets a list of databases for an elastic pool",
"description": "Gets a list of databases for an elastic pool"
"name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/failover/action",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft SQL Database",
"resource": "Azure SQL Database",
"operation": "Issue failover on the database.",
"description": "Customer initiated database failover."
"name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/inaccessibleDatabases/read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft SQL Database",
"resource": "Azure SQL Database",
"operation": "List Azure database(s) with inaccessible status in a logical server.",
"description": "Return a list of inaccessible database(s) in a logical server."
"name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/pause/action",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft SQL Database",
"resource": "Azure SQL Database",
"operation": "Pause a Datawarehouse database.",
"description": "Pause Azure SQL Datawarehouse Database"
"name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/resume/action",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft SQL Database",
"resource": "Azure SQL Database",
"operation": "Resume a Datawarehouse database.",
"description": "Resume Azure SQL Datawarehouse Database"
"name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxyOperationResults/read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft SQL Database",
"resource": "Network Security Perimeter Association Proxy",
"operation": "Get network security perimeter operation result",
"description": "Get network security perimeter operation result"
"name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxyAzureAsyncOperation/read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft SQL Database",
"resource": "Network Security Perimeter Association Proxy",
"operation": "Get network security perimeter proxy azure async operation",
"description": "Get network security perimeter proxy azure async operation"
"name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/restorableDroppedDatabases/read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft SQL Database",
"resource": "Restorable Dropped Database",
"operation": "Get a list of restorable dropped databases",
"description": "Get a list of databases that were dropped on a given server that are still within retention policy."
"name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/networkSecurityPerimeterProxies/profileProxies/accessRuleProxies/read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft SQL Database",
"resource": "NSP Access Rule Proxy",
"operation": "Get NSP Access Rule Proxy",
"description": "Get NSP Access Rule Proxy"
"name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/networkSecurityPerimeterProxies/profileProxies/accessRuleProxies/write",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft SQL Database",
"resource": "NSP Access Rule Proxy",
"operation": "Create or Update NSP Access Rule Proxy",
"description": "Create or Update NSP Access Rule Proxy"
"name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/networkSecurityPerimeterProxies/profileProxies/accessRuleProxies/delete",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft SQL Database",
"resource": "NSP Access Rule Proxy",
"operation": "Delete NSP Access Rule Proxy",
"description": "Delete NSP Access Rule Proxy"
"name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/networkSecurityPerimeterProxies/profileProxies/read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft SQL Database",
"resource": "NSP Profile Proxy",
"operation": "Get NSP Profile Proxy",
"description": "Get NSP Profile Proxy"
"name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/networkSecurityPerimeterProxies/profileProxies/write",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft SQL Database",
"resource": "NSP Profile Proxy",
"operation": "Create or Update NSP Profile Proxy",
"description": "Create or Update NSP Profile Proxy"
"name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/networkSecurityPerimeterProxies/profileProxies/delete",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft SQL Database",
"resource": "NSP Profile Proxy",
"operation": "Delete NSP Proxy",
"description": "Delete NSP Proxy"
"name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/networkSecurityPerimeterProxies/read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft SQL Database",
"resource": "Network Security Perimeter Proxy",
"operation": "Get NSP Proxy",
"description": "Get NSP Proxy"
"name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/networkSecurityPerimeterProxies/write",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft SQL Database",
"resource": "Network Security Perimeter Proxy",
"operation": "Create or Update NSP Proxy",
"description": "Create or Update NSP Proxy"
Nazwa | Opis |
Operation |
Definicja operacji interfejsu API REST SQL. |
Operation |
Wyświetl metadane skojarzone z operacją. |
Operation |
Wynik żądania wyświetlania listy operacji SQL. |
Operation |
Zamierzony wykonawca operacji. |
Definicja operacji interfejsu API REST SQL.
Nazwa | Typ | Opis |
display |
Zlokalizowane informacje wyświetlane dla tej konkretnej operacji /akcji. |
name |
string |
Nazwa operacji wykonywanej na tym konkretnym obiekcie. |
origin |
Zamierzony wykonawca operacji. |
properties |
object |
Dodatkowe opisy operacji. |
Wyświetl metadane skojarzone z operacją.
Nazwa | Typ | Opis |
description |
string |
Zlokalizowany przyjazny opis operacji. |
operation |
string |
Zlokalizowana przyjazna nazwa operacji. |
provider |
string |
Zlokalizowana przyjazna forma nazwy dostawcy zasobów. |
resource |
string |
Zlokalizowana przyjazna forma typu zasobu związana z tą akcją/operacją. |
Wynik żądania wyświetlania listy operacji SQL.
Nazwa | Typ | Opis |
nextLink |
string |
Link, aby pobrać następną stronę wyników. |
value |
Tablica wyników. |
Zamierzony wykonawca operacji.
Wartość | Opis |
system | |
user |