Weather - Get Current Conditions
Use to get current weather conditions.
The Get Current Conditions
request that returns detailed current weather conditions such as precipitation, temperature and wind for a given coordinate location. Also, observations from the past 6 or 24 hours for a particular location can be retrieved. The basic information returned with The response includes details such as observation date and time, brief description of the weather conditions, weather icon, precipitation indicator flags, and temperature. Additional details such as RealFeel™ Temperature and UV index are also returned. For more information, see Request real-time weather data
URI Parameters
Name | In | Required | Type | Description |
path | True |
Desired format of the response. Only |
query | True |
string |
Version number of Azure Maps API. |
query | True |
number[] |
The applicable query specified as a comma separated string composed by latitude followed by longitude e.g. "47.641268,-122.125679". Weather information is generally available for locations on land, bodies of water surrounded by land, and areas of the ocean that are within approximately 50 nautical miles of a coastline. |
query |
string |
Return full details for the current conditions. Available values are
query |
integer |
Time frame of the returned weather conditions. By default, the most current weather conditions will be returned. Default value is 0. Supported values are:
query |
string |
Language in which search results should be returned. Should be one of supported IETF language tags, case insensitive. When data in specified language is not available for a specific field, default language is used. Please refer to Supported Languages for details. |
query |
Specifies to return the data in either metric units or imperial units. Default value is metric. |
Request Header
Name | Required | Type | Description |
x-ms-client-id |
string |
Specifies which account is intended for usage in conjunction with the Microsoft Entra ID security model. It represents a unique ID for the Azure Maps account and can be retrieved from the Azure Maps management plane Account API. To use Microsoft Entra ID security in Azure Maps see the following articles for guidance. |
Name | Type | Description |
200 OK |
OK |
Other Status Codes |
An unexpected error occurred. |
These are the Microsoft Entra OAuth 2.0 Flows. When paired with Azure role-based access control it can be used to control access to Azure Maps REST APIs. Azure role-based access controls are used to designate access to one or more Azure Maps resource account or sub-resources. Any user, group, or service principal can be granted access via a built-in role or a custom role composed of one or more permissions to Azure Maps REST APIs.
To implement scenarios, we recommend viewing authentication concepts. In summary, this security definition provides a solution for modeling application(s) via objects capable of access control on specific APIs and scopes.
- This security definition requires the use of the
header to indicate which Azure Maps resource the application is requesting access to. This can be acquired from the Maps management API.
The Authorization URL
is specific to the Azure public cloud instance. Sovereign clouds have unique Authorization URLs and Microsoft Entra ID configurations.
The Azure role-based access control is configured from the Azure management plane via Azure portal, PowerShell, CLI, Azure SDKs, or REST APIs.
Usage of the Azure Maps Web SDK allows for configuration based setup of an application for multiple use cases.
- For more information on Microsoft identity platform, see Microsoft identity platform overview.
Authorization URL:
Name | Description |
---|---| | |
This is a shared key that is provisioned when you Create an Azure Maps account in the Azure portal or using PowerShell, CLI, Azure SDKs, or REST API.
With this key, any application can access all REST API. In other words, this key can be used as a master key in the account that they are issued in.
For publicly exposed applications, our recommendation is to use the confidential client applications approach to access Azure Maps REST APIs so your key can be securely stored.
SAS Token
This is a shared access signature token is created from the List SAS operation on the Azure Maps resource through the Azure management plane via Azure portal, PowerShell, CLI, Azure SDKs, or REST APIs.
With this token, any application is authorized to access with Azure role-based access controls and fine-grain control to the expiration, rate, and region(s) of use for the particular token. In other words, the SAS Token can be used to allow applications to control access in a more secured way than the shared key.
For publicly exposed applications, our recommendation is to configure a specific list of allowed origins on the Map account resource to limit rendering abuse and regularly renew the SAS Token.
Successfully retrieve detailed current weather conditions for a given coordinate location
Sample request
Sample response
"results": [
"dateTime": "2019-11-14T15:08:00-08:00",
"phrase": "Cloudy",
"iconCode": 7,
"hasPrecipitation": false,
"isDayTime": true,
"temperature": {
"value": 13.7,
"unit": "C",
"unitType": 17
"realFeelTemperature": {
"value": 13.6,
"unit": "C",
"unitType": 17
"realFeelTemperatureShade": {
"value": 13.6,
"unit": "C",
"unitType": 17
"relativeHumidity": 75,
"dewPoint": {
"value": 9.2,
"unit": "C",
"unitType": 17
"wind": {
"direction": {
"degrees": 315,
"localizedDescription": "NW"
"speed": {
"value": 3.6,
"unit": "km/h",
"unitType": 7
"windGust": {
"speed": {
"value": 4.9,
"unit": "km/h",
"unitType": 7
"uvIndex": 0,
"uvIndexPhrase": "Low",
"visibility": {
"value": 8,
"unit": "km",
"unitType": 6
"obstructionsToVisibility": "",
"cloudCover": 95,
"ceiling": {
"value": 4359,
"unit": "m",
"unitType": 5
"pressure": {
"value": 1014.9,
"unit": "mb",
"unitType": 14
"pressureTendency": {
"localizedDescription": "Steady",
"code": "S"
"pastTwentyFourHourTemperatureDeparture": {
"value": 1.8,
"unit": "C",
"unitType": 17
"apparentTemperature": {
"value": 16.1,
"unit": "C",
"unitType": 17
"windChillTemperature": {
"value": 13.9,
"unit": "C",
"unitType": 17
"wetBulbTemperature": {
"value": 11.4,
"unit": "C",
"unitType": 17
"precipitationSummary": {
"pastHour": {
"value": 0.5,
"unit": "mm",
"unitType": 3
"past3Hours": {
"value": 0.8,
"unit": "mm",
"unitType": 3
"past6Hours": {
"value": 0.8,
"unit": "mm",
"unitType": 3
"past9Hours": {
"value": 0.8,
"unit": "mm",
"unitType": 3
"past12Hours": {
"value": 0.8,
"unit": "mm",
"unitType": 3
"past18Hours": {
"value": 0.8,
"unit": "mm",
"unitType": 3
"past24Hours": {
"value": 0.8,
"unit": "mm",
"unitType": 3
"temperatureSummary": {
"past6Hours": {
"minimum": {
"value": 8.3,
"unit": "C",
"unitType": 17
"maximum": {
"value": 13.7,
"unit": "C",
"unitType": 17
"past12Hours": {
"minimum": {
"value": 5.9,
"unit": "C",
"unitType": 17
"maximum": {
"value": 13.7,
"unit": "C",
"unitType": 17
"past24Hours": {
"minimum": {
"value": 5.9,
"unit": "C",
"unitType": 17
"maximum": {
"value": 13.7,
"unit": "C",
"unitType": 17
Name | Description |
Current |
Current |
Error |
The resource management error additional info. |
Error |
The error detail. |
Error |
Error response |
Icon |
Numeric value representing an image that displays the |
Json |
Desired format of the response. Only |
Past |
Summary of temperature fluctuations over the number of past hours. |
Precipitation |
Pressure |
Temperature |
Unit |
Numeric ID value associated with the type of unit being displayed. Can be used for unit translation. Please refer to Weather services in Azure Maps for details. |
Weather |
Specifies to return the data in either metric units or imperial units. Default value is metric. |
Weather |
Specific value of a given unit related to weather. |
Wind |
Wind details being returned including speed and direction. |
Wind |
Wind direction |
Name | Type | Description |
apparentTemperature |
Perceived outdoor temperature caused by the combination of air temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed in specified unit. |
ceiling |
Cloud ceiling in specified unit. The ceiling is a measurement of the height of the base of the lowest clouds. |
cloudCover |
integer (int32) |
Percent representing cloud cover. |
dateTime |
string (date-time) |
Date and time of the current observation displayed in ISO 8601 format, for example, 2019-10-27T19:39:57-08:00. |
dewPoint |
The dewpoint temperature in specified unit. The dewpoint temperature is the temperature that the air must be cooled to in order to reach saturation. |
hasPrecipitation |
boolean |
Indicates the presence or absence of precipitation. True indicates the presence of precipitation, false indicates the absence of precipitation. |
iconCode |
Icon |
Numeric value representing an image that displays the |
isDayTime |
boolean |
Indicates the time of the day. True indicates 'day',', false indicates 'night. |
obstructionsToVisibility |
string |
Cause of limited visibility. Possible values:
pastTwentyFourHourTemperatureDeparture |
Departure from the temperature observed 24 hours ago in specified unit. |
phrase |
string |
Phrase description of the current weather condition. Displayed in specified language. |
precipitationSummary |
Summary of precipitation amounts over the past 24 hours. |
pressure |
Atmospheric pressure in specified unit. |
pressureTendency |
Atmospheric pressure change. |
realFeelTemperature |
RealFeel™ Temperature being returned. |
realFeelTemperatureShade |
RealFeel™ Temperature being returned. Describes what the temperature really feels like in the shade. |
relativeHumidity |
integer (int32) |
Relative humidity is the amount of water vapor present in air expressed as a percentage of the amount needed for saturation at the same temperature. |
temperature |
Temperature being returned. |
temperatureSummary |
Summary of temperature fluctuations over the past 6, 12, and 24 hours. |
uvIndex |
integer (int32) |
Measure of the strength of the ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Supported values are:
uvIndexPhrase |
string |
Phrase associated with the |
visibility |
Visibility in specified unit. A measure of the distance at which an object or light can be clearly discerned. |
wetBulbTemperature |
The temperature to which air may be cooled by evaporating water into it at constant pressure until it reaches saturation. |
wind |
Wind details being returned including speed and direction. |
windChillTemperature |
Perceived air temperature on exposed skin due to wind. |
windGust |
Wind gust. Wind gust is a sudden, brief increase in speed of the wind. |
Name | Type | Description |
results |
Detailed current weather conditions. |
The resource management error additional info.
Name | Type | Description |
info |
object |
The additional info. |
type |
string |
The additional info type. |
The error detail.
Name | Type | Description |
additionalInfo |
The error additional info. |
code |
string |
The error code. |
details |
The error details. |
message |
string |
The error message. |
target |
string |
The error target. |
Error response
Name | Type | Description |
error |
The error object. |
Numeric value representing an image that displays the iconPhrase
. Please refer to Weather services in Azure Maps for details.
Value | Description |
1 | |
10 | |
11 | |
12 | |
13 | |
14 | |
15 | |
16 | |
17 | |
18 | |
19 | |
2 | |
20 | |
21 | |
22 | |
23 | |
24 | |
25 | |
26 | |
27 | |
28 | |
29 | |
3 | |
30 | |
31 | |
32 | |
33 | |
34 | |
35 | |
36 | |
37 | |
38 | |
39 | |
4 | |
40 | |
41 | |
42 | |
43 | |
44 | |
5 | |
6 | |
7 | |
8 | |
9 |
Desired format of the response. Only json
format is supported.
Value | Description |
json |
Summary of temperature fluctuations over the number of past hours.
Name | Type | Description |
maximum |
maximum |
minimum |
minimum |
Name | Type | Description |
past12Hours |
The amount of precipitation (liquid equivalent) that has fallen in the past 12 hours. |
past18Hours |
The amount of precipitation (liquid equivalent) that has fallen in the past 18 hours. |
past24Hours |
The amount of precipitation (liquid equivalent) that has fallen in the past 24 hours. |
past3Hours |
The amount of precipitation (liquid equivalent) that has fallen in the past three hours. |
past6Hours |
The amount of precipitation (liquid equivalent) that has fallen in the past six hours. Contains Metric and Imperial Values. |
past9Hours |
The amount of precipitation (liquid equivalent) that has fallen in the past nine hours. |
pastHour |
The amount of precipitation (liquid equivalent) that has fallen in the past hour. |
Name | Type | Description |
code |
string |
Pressure tendency code regardless of language. One of F=Falling, S=Steady, R=Rising. |
localizedDescription |
string |
Description of the pressure tendency in specified language |
Name | Type | Description |
past12Hours |
Summary of temperature fluctuations over the past 12 hours. |
past24Hours |
Summary of temperature fluctuations over the past 24 hours. |
past6Hours |
Summary of temperature fluctuations over the past 6 hours. |
Numeric ID value associated with the type of unit being displayed. Can be used for unit translation. Please refer to Weather services in Azure Maps for details.
Value | Description |
0 | |
1 | |
10 | |
11 | |
12 | |
13 | |
14 | |
15 | |
16 | |
17 | |
18 | |
19 | |
2 | |
20 | |
21 | |
22 | |
3 | |
31 | |
4 | |
5 | |
6 | |
7 | |
8 | |
9 |
Specifies to return the data in either metric units or imperial units. Default value is metric.
Value | Description |
imperial |
Return data in imperial units. Some example units of imperial system are Fahrenheit and mile. |
metric |
Return data in metric units. Some example units of metric system are Celsius and kilometer. |
Specific value of a given unit related to weather.
Name | Type | Description |
unit |
string |
Type of unit for the returned value. |
unitType |
Unit |
Numeric ID value associated with the type of unit being displayed. Can be used for unit translation. Please refer to Weather services in Azure Maps for details. |
value |
number (float) |
Rounded value. |
Wind details being returned including speed and direction.
Name | Type | Description |
direction |
Wind direction |
speed |
Speed of the wind in specified unit. |
Wind direction
Name | Type | Description |
degrees |
integer (int32) |
Wind direction in Azimuth degrees, starting at true North and continuing in clockwise direction. North is 0 degrees, east is 90 degrees, south is 180 degrees, west is 270 degrees. Possible values 0-359. |
localizedDescription |
string |
Direction abbreviation in the specified language. |