W tym temacie przedstawiono tematy pomocy dotyczące poleceń cmdlet zaświadczania platformy Azure.
Add-AzAttestationPolicySigner |
Adds a trusted policy signer for a tenant in Azure Attestation. |
Get-AzAttestationDefaultProvider |
Get the default provider by location. |
Get-AzAttestationPolicy |
Gets the policy from a tenant in Azure Attestation. |
Get-AzAttestationPolicySigners |
Gets the trusted policy signers from a tenant in Azure Attestation. |
Get-AzAttestationProvider |
Get the status of Attestation Provider. |
New-AzAttestationProvider |
Creates a new Attestation Provider. |
Remove-AzAttestationPolicySigner |
Removes a trusted policy signer for a tenant in Azure Attestation. |
Remove-AzAttestationProvider |
Delete Attestation Service. |
Reset-AzAttestationPolicy |
Resets the policy from a tenant in Azure Attestationn.} |
Set-AzAttestationPolicy |
Sets the policy from a tenant in Azure Attestationn. |
Update-AzAttestationProvider |
Updates the Attestation Provider. |