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Silverlight Book

There have been lots of questions since MIX07 about a book on Silverlight. I'm working on one for MS Press, which is designed to be 1/3 ASP.NET, 1/3 AJAX and 1/3 Silverlight. It's intended to be an introduction to the Microsoft Stack for folks coming in from PHP or other frameworks, or a refresher on ASP.NET and/or AJAX for folks who are familiar with them, framing up the last part, which is a deep dive into Silverlight 1.0.

I also have a Silverlight 1.1. book on the drawing board for publication later. The 1.1. book will concentrate on programming the .NET framework for Silverlight. If you want to build applications, learn XAML, Expression, JavaScript and everything else you need to put together cool stuff like that on www.silverlight.net, then read Programming Web.NEXT when it comes out.

Here's the Amazon link:



